Just amazing campaign!
The cinematic cut scene at the beginning hooks you up right away (given you're into action games obviously).
Aside from the movement fluidity everyone has already mentioned. The pacing and level design is just fantastic and done so right. Packed with lots of creative ideas too, like the time travel part, I know it's not unique to this game, but they utilized it in the smartest way to make it absolutely innovative and not gimmicky useless thing to show off as in the case of most other games.

If I would be picky, I would say the AI could be better. For some reason the enemies' accuracy felt to drop in later stages of the game, but maybe cranking up the difficulty would do it just fine, and really the bosses were not as challenging as I would love it to be too, but I played it on Normal difficulty, I would definitely replay it in higher difficulty in the future.
The other thing I would've also picked on, is the color contrast. Sometimes the soldiers and the static environment elements and interactive objects fused in colors to a point that was hard to see properly, but this a common issue in lots of shooter games.

Overall, the single player game was a blast. Relatively short, but insanely enjoyable.

A disgrace to the original Mirror's Edge!
Most of those who liked the original game, actually did because of the parkour experience that it presented in a linear semi-cinematic gameplay.
In this installment, however, they tried to expand what Mirror's Edge could be, but those expansions just made it a messy game with no particular focus. They shoved in so many unnecessary elements to make it follow the 'newer' gaming standards like open-world and online multiplayer, these aren't bad things for sure, but for the original genre of the game, they were factors to make the experience less parkour-ish and more just random running and online-interactivity kind of game. In this installment, they also introduced an idea of weapon-free combat, which makes more sense than the original to be frank, but they added a new dilemma by making some fighting sequences in certain missions too annoyingly challenging, it felt like playing a first-person perspective Mortal Kombat game but with a mouse, that wasn't fun at all, that's not how a parkour game is supposed to be either.. I lost interest mid-way through and dropped the game, because even the story wasn't that enticing to keep me in.

Good story. Dialogues had some wacky lines most of the time but had good ones at other times. Too bad the gameplay was very mediocre at best. Just an average generic third-person shooter dynamics, nothing special stood out to me to be honest, and I honestly felt really bored at some levels but had to push myself to progress through the story.