Games I have a Love/Hate Relationship with.

List of games I have a Love/Hate Relationship with, to clarify, not games I am indifferent on, or games I think are mid. I have to both hold great love for certain aspects of a game while also holding a pure, visceral hate for other aspects. May add more games later.

Fire Emblem: Awakening
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Prime example of this and what inspired me to make this list as I replay it. Some supports in this game I absolutely adore, some of my unquestionable favorite supports and pieces of writing in the franchise and in some cases in gaming as a whole. However it also has some of the worst supports in the franchise. The most bipolar game I've ever played. Gameplay is the same boat, when it's great, it's great. I genuinely love playing Awakening when it's at its' best. Problem being is that doesn't happen all the time. This game's "map design" is abysmal overall, there's really not much strategy to work up when by turn 2 your whole army is in range of 45 prepromotes. But again when you have really well built units and you make it through the first waves of shit on a lot of maps, it's really fun. Not as contentious on the story. Peak cutscenes and it has arguably my favorite cutscene in all of gaming. Te amo Fire Emblem: Awakening. I hate you Fire Emblem: Awakening.


Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege
I have probably close to 1000 hours in this game as my best friend and I played it as one of our few multiplayer games for years. We'll probably still come back to it eventually. When I'm just fucking around with my friend this game can be really fun. I like most of the operators, I like the combat and gunplay, it's not much more frustrating than your average multiplayer fps experience. When you pop off it feels super satisfying. No brain strategies work just as well as tactical ones so I can play however I want. But man, the balancing by our lord and savior Ubisoft is terrible. Each season they buff and nerf operators, and maybe 1/10 of those changes actually work out well and are for the better. I think when they rework an operator from the ground up is an interesting way of handling balancing. But a lot of the time they just remove an ability or gear outright, or give them a worse load out etc. And they never seemed like they addressed the problems quick enough. It took them like 5-6 years to make Tachanka semi playable. And unless I missed an update Castle is probably still completely garbage. So yeah, fun game, really poorly handled by Ubisoft(no surprise there).


Injustice 2
Injustice 2
Oh boy, Injustice 2. I have a lot of time on this game. I'm not a super big fighting game guy, don't think I've invested time in more than like 5 of them. But I enjoy Netherrealm games overall. But this one, oh boy. If you think you've seen overpowered characters in a fighting game before, well just fucking throw all that out of the window when you play most NetherRealm games. Usually there's like one premiere standout problem dog in a fighting game, and that is kinda true for Injustice: Gods Among Us and a few MKs, but they can still have a few more problematic characters. But Injustice 2? Oh Lord, on Launch Deadshot was one of the most oppressive characters I've ever seen. NR games aren't strangers to toxic zoning by any means, but Deadshot was just different back then. Spammable projectiles of all different heights that can all be meter burned with basically no drawbacks. Being hit while blocking still does chip damage in I2 so that wasn't a solution either. You had to pray that the Deadshot player suddenly got brain damage in hopes of getting in with a close-mid range character. Now he was slightly nerfed with patches, but just to average toxic NR Zoning levels. Aquaman was also ridiculously overpowered. Had full screen tracking projectiles that came from below, a fast and high damaging easy to do projectile, a barrier move that made him immune to projectiles, insanely oppressive and high damaging close range moves even on block that were plus on block. An ability that made him slip out of grabs and combos. Just a ridiculously broken character. And then came Starfire. Another super oppressive toxic zoner with all kinds of different spam as well as a good rushdown options in a pinch. There were a few other really strong characters, Batman and Superman were pretty powerful mainly, but they were nothing compared to the previous 3 I mentioned. So why do I like it? Is it the story? FUCK NO. I hate injustice in the comics, I hate it in the games. Shit sucks regardless. So why do I like it? Is it the character designs? FUCK NO. Cosmetic system is 90% random armor pieces that look like shit, 1% armor pieces that look cool and 9% Alternative costumes that are pretty cool. So why do I like it? Is it cause some of the characters have really cool gameplay? Yeah. Zoners said there's some really fun characters to watch high level. Flash, Bane, Braniac, Darkseid etc. I'm also a huge DC fan, so whole the story mode sucks, the character interactions in fights are really fun to see. I loved playing Green Arrow the most. Fuck Injustice though. Praying they pick any other story for a future DC fighting game.


The Walking Dead: Season Two
The Walking Dead: Season Two
This one isn't as serious as the previous ones, but man. Still unfortunate. All the Clementine stuff is really good, but the rest of the story I don't really care about till the last chapter. I felt the "Your choices don't matter in Telltale games" super hard in this one, ESPECIALLY with how SHITTY the ending "choice" of this one plays out in season 3. I'm not gonna say this series should have only been season one, as there is some really good Clementine and Kenny stuff. But yeah, Walking Dead fell off hard from where it began.



2 years ago

FE:A entry real af

2 years ago

Dog I got so pressed playing Awakening yesterday it gave me the fire to make this list.

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