This game is probably one of the most horrible, not finished games I have ever played in my entire life. Like holy fuck this is a billion dollar company and they seem to fuck everything up about this game. Warzone was somewhat ok when the map was Verdansk but this new map Caldera is so dog shit that I'd rather shit my pants, microwave it, then eat it like it's the most expensive item on the menu at The Cheesecake Factory. If you like playing a game that is equivalent to taking a glass bottle, breaking it, and then repeatedly stabbing your big toe until it's spilling out a bright red froth, then go ahead and give this game a go. 10/10 I am playing this game as I type this.

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The game is cancer with 2 random teammates but with friends its the best battle royal experience I've had

This is what Sword and Shield should have been

Anyone who doesn't give it a 5 star sucks at this


I loved playing this game. The story was great and I loved the sound design/music. I wish it had a sequel to see what happens after the game ends or another story entirely because they could do so much with this. For sure one of my favorites

A quick, smaller version of a borderlands game that adds new aspects while also keeping that same charm that the borderlands series has. I'll probably play this more than once to see the things I missed but overall I really liked it. I definitely recommend this if you like the borderland series and want to play something new.

My relationship with Overwatch is like a girl who gets abused by her boyfriend but like only on the weekends.