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pros: copy and paste fo black flag

cons: copy and paste of black flag

it was really cool playing as a templar and seeing their side. I liked that fact that the assassins weren't completely evil even tho they made it seem like so.
it got pretty repetitive coming from black flag but the extra things were nice
it had small changes that i liked and disliked.
i like the fact that the game was short because if it was longer it would've dragged out and got really boring because its a black flag ''copy''.
there was waaay to much side content for this small game. the game is literally 50% side content.

Adewale was such a good character and soundtrack MMMM so good. It was fun clearing out the plantation with stealth and freeing the slaves made you feel like a hero. The slave ship part at the end was so sad and fun. GREAT DLC

Pros: awesome powers, interesting to see washington, cool alternate reality

cons: it was mid

Pros: Good story, memorable side characters, really makes you FEEL like a pirate, edwards story was so good,

Cons: felt a bit clunkier than ac 3 in terms of combat and even parkour

Pros: The setting was decent, seeing Connor made me bust, Aveline was a decent protagonist, a pretty good game for a game made for the ps vita, persona system was good but not that great

Cons: lacking story, weird pacing, repetitive, didnt innovate that much except for the persona system.

Pros: Templars and assassins dynamic was cool, pretty good story, much more smoother in gameplay compared to the earlier games, combat is really fun and good, Connor and Haytham were really good, all the modern day stuff was good until the ending, personally liked Connor alot.

cons: ending was underwhelming and a disappointment, even tho parkour was smoother it lacked the "freedom" from the earlier games


Pros: great story, beautiful conclusion for Altair and Ezio, the hookblade was an awesome addition, modern day was interesting, game was shorter so i liked it more

Cons: just a bit repetitive but not that much enjoyed through the whole game

tl;dr beautiful ending for the Ezio trilogy might be my personal favorite right now

Pros: improvement from ac 2 in terms of graphics, gameplay, animus training room was nice, weapon wheel system changed, crossbow,

Cons: world and story weren't as good as in ac 2. got side tracked many times because of the side quests. Clunky, repetitive, 100% sync was a pain in the ass

tl;dr a good sequel to ac 2 (more content, better gameplay) but lacking in the world and story that ac 2 had

have played an hour or to 2. will come back to

Pros: multiplayer, stealth, okay combat, coolsetting, interesting plot, cool artstyle

Cons: buggy and annoying sometimes, story weak

Pros: Graphics, fun to drive, when bored fun to play,

Cons: not knowing what to do, characters lackluster

Pros: childhood game, fun story, characters, artsyle(its minecraft), choices


Pros: reallly good combat, okay story ,mechanics, levels, artstyle, never gets repetetive because of the upgrades

cons: story kinda hard to follow since its just text

Pros: unique, good time period,mechanics

Cons: not my type of game

i see that its actually a good game made with care but it just isnt my type of game

Pros: engaging world, atmosphere, combat

Cons: hard lock on and camera buggy sometimes, very difficult for a beginner