I didn't realize that this was some meme game when I got it. I believe it mostly falls flat but it does have some good ideas that I wish were expanded upon. There is way too much clutter on screen that it becomes hard to tell what is going on. The gameplay only consists of moving and holding down left click to shoot enemies which can only entertain for so long. Additionally, I would just randomly die for seemingly no reason when I had more than one hit-point, (and one time at full-health). I don't know if that's a bug or if I'm simply missing something, but it's still annoying nonetheless.

There is some good though. The visuals are unique and I enjoyed the PHONK music that blasted constantly. Something cool that happens is that game speed would speed up or slow down depending on what was happening in the song. Usage of that is a little conservative and I wish that they went all out with it. For example, it would've been neat if ther wasn't an attack button and attacking would instead be in sync with the the music.

But I'm just spit balling what could've been, and that doesn't change what we have here. It's just a shallow meme game for dirt cheap on steam in a sea of others.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2023
