The game is absolutly beautiful, the art, the soundtrack, everything in the artistic and level design is incredible. But that's all.

I kinda get the emotional thing people might like about it, but i dont care enough about the characters, especially when "that thing" happens 5min after the game starts. Just because they are pretty and cute does not make them likeable.

My cold heart aside, the gameplay elements are a strange thing. I like them, like the mechanics overall but their execution... spikes are hell, just like anything that envolves walls.

The escape moments after each element are really good in the first time you see. Then the game make sure you die a lot, and you need to replay all the way down again. In the end, after 50 attempts, i was not jumping of hype from a suppose to be epic moment.

The game is good, it's pretty, but i really can't give it more than 3.0. It's short and it's on gamepass, so why not.

Reviewed on Oct 12, 2022
