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Martint completed Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin
BANGER. Much better for me than DS, but I may need to just play that one again but without using the big axe. I thought the little levels for the most part were very neat and what I needed when I played it. The later little levels where you revisit a harder version of the earlier levels though? Kinda stinky. bit whiffy. I enjoyed this a whole bunch though :)

4 days ago

Martint completed RiME
Thought this would be more freeform and open than it was. Instead it was like, follow this quite specific path and do boring puzzles where you push a block or do clunky uncharted platforming but worse :) It's pretty though and it could work for someone else maybe probably

4 days ago

4 days ago

Martint backloggd Prey

8 days ago

8 days ago

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