12 reviews liked by MasterW15

nigga its pointless to play any other bomberman game when this shit exist

It's pretty fun and you can still play it online on the Clementine private server. After playing original PSO me and some friends tried this out and we had fun with it. The combat is a lot more fluid and controls overall are less clunky, and there's also a lot more areas and types of weapons/skills for you to choose from too. However, the levels are a lot more linear than PSO's and there's not really a story unless you play the singleplayer, which I haven't tried. Overall pretty solid and worth playing if you liked PSO but keep it mind it does some things better and some things worse.

Resident Evil, but you are playing as Goku

This review was written before the game released

This game fucking sucked
Half-Life 3? More like Half-Life 3/10

Lost my wife to this game but gained many more in game by emotionally manipulating them into giving me rare weapons.

I'm a tiny little elf clown and I cast a funny spell

unironically good fuck the haters