I hate this game so much

i fucking adore the combat in this game but Everything Else Is So Bad, begging SMTV to steal the gameplay changes

Kinda ruined by its pricing model, but would be amazing

mental damage that can stay with you

I've probably never had a game I've spent more time replaying ever, despite the huge issues in its second half.

Played as a kid, loved this shit

I liked this more than it deserved

I liked this by the end but I played it holding down 2x speed on my emulator the entire time outside cutscenes. Hindsight really helps it, because when I was 2 hours in I thought this was one of the worst JRPGs I'd ever played.

biggest crash and burn after a cool opening, terrible battle system

This review was written before the game released

"You gather pieces of happiness, precious and fragile, only to lose them. Then start again."

Nothing about this game or this expansion is perfect but the highs go well past the moon.

This was a huge improvement over the last couple games in almost every regard and pretty fun and better paced. It kinda gets to be more than the sum of its parts, but it would've done a lot more for me if the basic battle theme had more variation. I liked the low-key soundtrack and acid jazz stuff here and there but it really needed more life sometimes. The back third of this game fucking kicked it up a notch so it's forgiveable but the middle was a bit bland after a really cool intro. I also would've liked just a bit more flavor in the battle system but from where we came from I'm just happy it's as good as it is.

I'm happy I can now but KOS-MOS merch and assert my status that "Yeah. I really did play those games. They're kinda bad but 3 kinda owns." And avoid 'poser' status.

A good monhun entry, although the story is subpar and pacing kinda mid. I like the flagship even though they do them dirty with it's introduction as well. Game is made easy via wirebug system but World was also kind of a baby game so we're just living in that world now I think.

Excited for new content. I skipped on iceborne cuz world burnt me out but this has been awesome.

Chapters 2-4 contain the most annoying terrible shit ever and the last ~20 hours of this game were actually impeccable so it's both a 3/5 and a 5/5 wrapped together.

I'm gay and I love Silent Hill so this is basically the best game I've played in a long while. It's honestly kinda perfect at doing what it wants to do. (Gotta give it up for any media referencing The King in Yellow too.)