Assassin's Creed Revelations is...improved in some areas over it's predecessors, but is otherwise a net downgrade.

Rome in Brotherhood was a pretty and varied environment to explore, and the ability to summon a horse on command to traverse the open fields was a great feature. Revelations, however, is set in the very cramped city of Constantinople, and it's just so much less pleasant to look at and explore. Easily the worst AC setting of the series up to this point.

Ezio is a bit more fleshed out as a character here after doing basically nothing in Brotherhood, but the story in Revelations feels like a mostly uneventful filler arc that actually does more to follow up on the original Assassin's Creed (and the tale of Altair) than it does 2 and Brotherhood. Heck, Ezio does a lot of stupid things in this game that he faces virtually no consequences for (so many innocents dead from his actions) and almost every other character is treated as completely pointless and disposable.

The gameplay is the same as ever, except now you can craft bombs that are rarely ever more useful than just abusing the overpowered counters in combat. The hookblade is also new, but only serves to make climbing things even faster than before and a few cool attack animations - well, cool when they're not going full Ubisoft and bugging out.

There are also a lot of weird, cinematic, scripted sequences usually involving a lot of jumping against a time limit related to things collapsing or mechanisms slowly closing, which all feels very Uncharted-esque. Oh, and right as the games were all the rage, too...intersting.

All in all, a very average game with some good story payoff for people who played the original Assassin's Creed, but very little else beyond a competent cookie-cutter open world.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2022
