I'm not sure what to say about NMH 3 I just find it the middle ground of the first 2 and that's fine. I enjoyed my time with this game but It has it's flaws. For example I found the line up of bosses to be the weakest in the franchise (Except FU he was the highlight of the game) and to me they were extremely easy and at times I felt like the regular enemies were stronger than them. I felt like the open world was fine (a lot better than the first) but it wasn't really something I enjoyed. The job system returns (and is similar to the one in NMH 1) but this time it was less grindy than the first game and I only ever found my self doing a job like 3 times. Overall I enjoyed my time with the NMH series but it'll probably be a while before I replay them.

Reviewed on May 08, 2024


19 days ago

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