This is a gem. I have never played anything like it.

Its gameplay loop is endlessly fun and it presents a brilliantly imaginative and ever-expanding world for you to explore. Such pitch perfect games are few and far between. Even its own sequel wasn't able recapture the magic quite as well.

Don't miss this one!

This game surprised me! I bought it on sale for less than £1 not expecting anything good, I was just hoping for something decent. My wish was fulfilled and then some! THIS GAME IS AWESOME! It combines the survival mechanics of eating, drinking and sleeping seamlessly with the hack'n slash top-down gameplay that works so well. It was really fun finding parts hidden around the map to make better weapons, and when night falls... YOU WILL NEED THEM! The map is much bigger than I expected, made up of 6 or 7 islands you can freely travel between depending on your objective.

Get this game if you have a friend to play with, because the entire story can be completed cooperatively. I would recommend this due to the many advantages two machetes give you instead of just one. This game is much better with a friend for sure, and provided us with hours and hours of fun. The combat system is simple but challenging, and your draining hunger, thirst and tirdness bars keep you constantly on your toes.

This review is not useful for anyone thinking of buying Elite Dangerous because all that needs to be said about this game is that it's ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ FANTASTIC!

I don't like this game.
This is Assassin's Creed as you've never seen it before.
After experiencing it, I wish I hadn't.

Go play The Witcher 3. Trust me, it's better in every way.
This game wants to be The Witcher 3 so badly, but it fails so spectacularly.
Don't buy this unless it's heavily discounted, and for the love of all that is "holy" don't pay for any microtransactions.

You spawn into a map that is full of things that want to kill you with nothing but your guns and your ears. Everything makes sound and everyone can be heard before they are seen. That is the best thing about Hunt Showdown.

Try not to die... oh and also there are all the other players who also want you dead so you best kill them first.

You can chicken out and leave the match any time but the real juicy rewards are worth fighting for. Winner takes all, loser loses everything. Perma-death is glorious, is it not?

Enter at your own risk.


This game is a drummer's psychedelic dream.
Play it now!

This game is so unique and I love it for that.

It is also hard; like anything past the second level will kick your arse, hard.
You can make the rhythm aspect more forgiving if you struggle with it.
I personally made the rhythm timing more strict because I am a drummer and even I found this challenging at times.

This game lives and dies on how fun you find grinding out runs and dying and trying again, over and over again. If that doesn't sound fun to you, you probably won't enjoy this game no matter how neat you find the rhythm aspect.

The first hour will accio your breath away!

Most "souls clones" get one aspect right, possibly better than the actual Fromsouls games.For example, Nioh 2 gave us arguably the best combat system in any "souls like" game. However, everything else in those games usually suffers for it. Nioh 2 had amazing combat, but almost every other aspect was sub-par, if not outright bad.

Not so with Lords of the Fallen. This is the first "souls clone" to be consistently good across all aspects of the game. That in itself is an achievement worthy of praise. It does not end there. LotF nails THE WORLD. This was always the crown jewel of the Fromsouls games. No "souls like" game has ever done it better, not even close; until now.

Lords of the Fallen does its world so well it outshines some of From's own attempts. It gets close to feeling like the interconnected map of the original Dark Souls, and that saying something! It isn't perfect, but it does the world so well and everything else besides is also great.

It is worth full price. Support this game.