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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 18, 2023

Platforms Played


I'm really sorry but you can't just make another Jet Set Radio Future and expect me to have the same emotional attachment or kinetic reaction to it. That is assuming that this IS another Jet Set Radio Future but in reality, it is not. It looks like JSR, it talks like JSR but somehow by the grace of god, it is not JSR. The edges have been smoothed off and now the circle fits into any shaped hole. The scenarios are frictionless save for the boss fights which reach the frustrating lows of even the Jet Set Radio Future helicopter fight - albeit with some forgiveness from the level-gods with generally more shortcuts to help you get back to where you fell from. The soundtrack is far too derivitave and can often be offensively repetive. I could just listen to the music 2 Mello has been putting out for the last half a decade and be in a better mood. I will be shocked if we remember this game in 2 years time nevermind 20 and that is a damn shame.