Shame such a spectacular looking game is underwhelming to play.
With Aladdin's animators themselves providing the development team with reference material, the spritework and environments are faithful to the film. Likewise the music itself is a decent translation of the film's soundtrack onto an FM soundchip. Some witty gags, some background quips. You can tell an effort was made to match Aladdin as identically as possible to the film on 16-bit hardware, as well as inject some of the developer's own charm.
The gameplay itself, however, isn't of the same calibre. Standard platforming with questionable hitboxes and an ill-positioned camera. One of the later stages is brimming with instakills, doubtlessly a way to combat the video game rental market. Overall much more appreciable as a technical marvel than something to play.

Reviewed on Aug 31, 2021
