3< hours to beat

Really cool idea, execution is just middle of the road though. The combat felt clunky and was actually detracting from my enjoyment at times. Really loved the samurai sword and throwing things because of how immediate and responsive it felt, all the gun play(which is the majority of the game) was clumsy.

The story is a skeleton to hang the gameplay off the frame of but it is a fairly good execution of that bare necessity. The visuals were satisfying, specifically the levels where there was a distinctive object moving around like the train or subway. The audio provided great cues for kills and imminent danger, the production was tight overall.

For a first pass effort of what is inevitable going to be reiterated on for the foreseeable future this is a lot of fun, it doesn't last long but the impression it leaves does.

The most innovative shooter I've played in years.

7 hours to beat.

I had to go back and see if the rose tinted glasses of nostalgia held up. This game has a nice sense of charm. Unfortunately it's clunky as hell. Nothing moves right or feels responsive. I really enjoyed levelling up and evolving the cards up couldn't help but feel it was missing a "last tier" of power. Just as my deck building skills were getting into the swing of things I was on the last level. The final boss wasn't great and I moved on before I could finish him.

There's no story here and very little apart exploration, it's purely a casing for a combat system based around cards.