224 Reviews liked by Megalon

If I ever mark my words I'll come delete this but I truly don't think there will ever be a better story in gaming. I finish this with these thoughts every time, and then I read perfect works and that's further cemented. I know including a book in judgement of a game is unfair but I don't care

A beautiful yet overambitious epic. The only flaws exist in disc 1 with dungeons and long portions being extremely boring, feeling like a rough attempt from a dev fresh off final fantasy. While despite disc 1 still being fun and having a lot of great characters, arcs and moments, disc 2 showed the game's true colours. The momentum the game needed - THE XENO came into play and it showed that this game has one of the greatest outlines for a story of all time. I, like many others, strongly wish the game had put more effort into this stretch of the story over disc 1 but despite this, the dodgy presentation of disc 2 didnt hold it back at all.

For what it was for the time and how the outline of perfect works still holds up among the most well thought out pieces of fiction ever told, it's safe to say Takahashi had a masterpiece in his hands with this one. I'm glad he has the chance to recreate it through Xenoblade but deep down, I hope this version of his universe gets to see the light someday. 9.5/10

"Elly, you will always be my Xenogear"


This game is a straight up mystical experience concieved under the effect of copious amounts of hallucinogenic substances rolled and smoked in joints made out of pages from the Zohar, the Torah and the Bible

This game is absolutely shit, I love it

the game is objectivlely mid but damnit nostalgia

Insomniac does it again - delivering a superhero experience I've only ever seen done to this extend in Spider-man ps4 and Infamous: Second son.

I think this game has been praised to hell and back, so I'll mark my few minor nitpicks here
- The relationship between MJ and Harry seems unpolished, and MJ feels like a story device for Peter's development for a large part of this game
- Peter's suits are honestly a little disappointing, and a lot of them felt like things we'd seen before.
- Peter feels significantly weaker than Miles without Symbiote/Venom powers. The Spider-arms could have been tweaked better.
- There was definitely some interesting filler (collectible) content, but I still felt there was too much useless stuff in it.
- I wish there were more interactions between both Miles and Peter in the free roaming. Frequently as Peter would Miles come help me with crimes, but I never saw this the other way around.

The rest of the game is absolutely phenomenal, and I'd say better than both Spider-Man Ps4 and Miles Morales. I will be playing Spider-Man 3 when it comes out in 20 years on the Playstation 8

Insomniac New York is crazy because there’ll be a racially diverse small business gathering and the next block over there’s a guy open carrying an RPG

This is as Spider-Man as it gets. Swinging never felt so good.

Miles a better man than me i would've started frying Martin Li's brain on the spot

One of the most unique games ever made. I love this game so much. Made me utterly miserable throughout the whole experience it is incredible

its so fucking autistic and dumb and stupid and bad and ngl i kinda love it

Never knew 19 inches of venom felt so good...

"Are you guys ready for your God lessons?"

Jesus gulped

Sephiroth nodded

Ryuk shuddered

Arceus blinked nervously

"Yes, Hiker Anthony" they said in unison