"Night Bus" Games

Circa 2010 - 2012, the Hipinion message boards saw a lot of discussion around "Night Bus," which was both an emerging online music scene and a feeling the certain media evoked. There was a lot of talk about whether something was "Night Bus," but not a lot of agreement as to what that really meant. Beyond the main music-centric thread, there were smaller threads on film and other media, including one on "Night Bus Video Games." This list includes most of the games mentioned in the thread. I also included some games that had music that was featured in various Night Bus-themed mixes in the main music thread, along with one or two games I think a pretty night bus.

If you read this list and have NO idea what night bus is... well, you're in the same boat as most people. Best not to think about it too hard.

Multi-User Dungeon
Multi-User Dungeon
"MUDs at the computer lab"
Night Driver
Night Driver

1 Comment

2 years ago

lotta overlap with backloggdcore here

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