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1 day

Last played

March 29, 2024

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I never actually completed Pokemon Red back in the day, stalling out around victory road. When the bug to play an old Pokemon hit, I wanted to get credits on at least one version of the Kanto experience, and maybe I'll be able to run the last stretch at some point, but you know what? I stalled out at victory road.

The old Pokemon games... they're not as good as the new ones! It took a lot of effort to hammer these babies into shape from a series of cool concepts into a really great experience and this ain't it. That's not to say it's some abomination, but I am once again kind of coming at this as a person who has gone back to old JRPGs (playing Dragon Warrior IV right now) and the inferiority of this experience is absolutely unquestionable to me. Dragon Quest has random encounters, but if the dungeons were designed around fighting the same two guys a few dozen times, or the level curve was this unsatisfying, I'd be thinking less of the experience and that's pretty much what LeafGreen has been for me. I continue to hold onto a simple belief that the newest Pokemon has always been the best one.