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1 day

Last played

April 15, 2024

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I really love the ideas the game was going for. I like what they were going for with Room 302. This safe haven that slowing becomes a deathtrap as the game progress. I really like Walter's story and how it connects to the series iconic town. The atmosphere is great too, love how isolating and dreamlike the game feels. Akira Yamaoka music great as usual.

I think where the game loses a bit is its game mechanics and second half. For one, you have limited inventory so you have to store items in your item box in your room. The issue I have with it really is how it functions. I never understood why each ammo box or health item you pick up takes up a slot. I also think the two guns you get in the game are kinda useless(except on two occasions for me). The second and biggest gripe I have with SH4 is the Eileen escort section with is what you're gonna be doing for the second half of the game. Let just say I felt immense frustration and grief going through this part of SH4. Lastly, the story is by far the weakest in series which is sad to say honestly cuz there's cool things about it but it needed more time in the oven.

Silent Hill 4 was certainly a interesting game. There's stuff that I REALLY LIKE but there's parts of it that I really don't rock with. Regardless tho I think it's a game worth playing cuz despite it's shortcomings, it's the last true Silent Hill game we probably ever gonna get from the series.