I really really really do not like this game. This is far too grindy of a game with far too little satisfaction from the grinding. Oh boy I get to do an hour of shooting one guy with a underleveled weapon that barely does any damage to get a weapon that is underleveled for the next higher level boss. It's simply a neverending cycle of grinding that is lame and boring. I enjoyed the pvp for like 30 minutes and got bored of that too. This game is just boring and serves no purpose. Not to mention you need to buy like 500 dollars (an exaggeration) worth of dlc for even more mid.


For my first souls game ever its a damn good introduction. Before I had played this game I was never the biggest single-player guy. So it's impressive that this game not only had me fully engaged the entire time, but also kindled a fire in me to play more single player games. But what about the actual game? Frustrating but fair, well until the endgame but i will get to that. 80% of this game feels fun and fair. The enemies tell their attacks incredibly well and are also just designed well in general. The bosses (80% of them) are also cool as fuck and fun to fight. There's so many different ways to playstyles in this game which adds replay-ability and to keep the game from feeling stale. The music is also really damn good, with amazing graphics to back it up. However, the other 20% of the game is not great. The world, while pretty to look at and massive, feels empty and huge for the sake of being huge. It makes it hard to find things especially when the game decides to be super cryptic and its impossible to find things without looking it up. The bosses that aren't fun, REALLY are not fun. They tend to either be repeats, unfair, and boring as fuck. Not to mention the final boss blows MASSIVE cock. The major issues of the game really start to shine in the last quarter of the game. At that point things just start to get really annoying. Overall, this game is really fun but has its issues that hold it back for sure.

Oh boy I can't wait to spend $98 dollars on a gun that farts everytime I get a kill! :D

This game just disappoints me. Easily one of the best stories in the series (it lost me in the middle but it won me in the end), with kiryu basically becoming a single mother of 9. It has a few amusing substories that keep the yakuza charm. The conclusion is especially really good and the soundtrack remains good like every other game prior. But covering all those good things is a game that sucks complete dick. The combat does not feel fun AT ALL. Enemies love to block so fights go from you feeling like a badass to a grandma trying to get rid of a pesky fly. Not to mention since they block so much fights take so much longer to complete making them feel like a chore. Grabs are junky, heat actions dont feel satisfying to do, regular attacks feel like you're hitting enemies with a wet napkin. This game just feels SO stiff. Walking around town isn't fun to do and gave me zero motivation to do any substories or any other side activities. Oh and easily the worst upgrade system out of any of the games. It's not fully to blame, it's right after the masterpiece of yakuza 2 so no matter what it was getting setup for failure. This game just has do many shitty, frustrating elements to me and it makes me sad because the story is wonderful. Unfortunately it's not enough to make me like this game.

This game really is not very entertaining. I love the concept of this game a lot. It's a lot of fun to see these characters interacting and its really charming. That's all the positives I got for this game tho. The gameplay is not engaging or special at all. It's bland and the graphics are def dated. It's a boring co-op game with a really charming premise.

I'm not the biggest rougelike guy but this game has got me. It's got fun characters that each have their own unique playstyles with items that can either enhance or change the playstyle of those characters. The music in this game is one of the strongest things about this game. It's brilliantly composed and sounds fantastic. Some of the world's are pretty to look at while others are just really bland. The gameplay loop is pretty solid but can get stale after like 2 runs. In fairness one solid run can last like an hour so the game is time consuming. My biggest complaint is it just gets stale like I said before, but at that point I can either take a break or play with the expansive level of mods in this game. Either way this game is solid

Incredibly silly, janky, a bit scary, and a little ugly tbh. The story of this game is really nothing to care about honestly. It progresses the game and thats it. But the real fun comes with you and a couple friends, exploring the world and trying to survive. So much unexpected silly shit can happen when you and your friends aren't prepared. And that's what makes it so fun. Accidentally dropping a tree onto your base, getting jumped by 7 cannibals while your friends watch, sliding down a mountain with a shell. All of it is just fun. However, there's only the one set map with set items in set spawn locations so you can only replay this game so many times without it getting stale. Also this game just kinda looks ugly. It attempts realism but it just ends up looking goofy and kinda off. Regardless this is a super janky, yet super fun game.

Stealth is the only fun option in this game. Going loud is bland and not very thrilling, you hold down m1 and thats it. Its boring as shit to go loud. However I can't say stealth is super thrilling all the time. Some of the heists are some real stinkers and just aren't fun. Its an old game man, and it absolutely shows. BUT. That's all to say this game is still fun. Sure its jank and honestly a little overwhelming when you first start, but man its fun just to get in some stressful scenarios with your friends. Oh also the lore is insane and so are the speedruns.

This is a silly ass game. But honestly it's surprising a good time. Not really super in depth tho and gets slightly bland after a little while. But for a solid 45 minutes this game is a damn blast. Also love the character models for this game.

What a game. Here I was thinking this game would be like kiwami 1 where I know i'll enjoy it but it probably won't be as good as 0. But i'll be damned. I enjoyed this game better than 0. I was thinking a brand new engine wouldn't change too much, but holy shit it makes these games so much more enjoyable. Being able to freely roam the world with almost no loads or anything, while also being able to hop in and out of fights just as seamlessly its just such a game changer. It also brought funny ragdolls which is always welcome in my book. Not to mention the switch to the new engine makes this game god damn gorgeous. The night time lighting of kamorocho (or however you spell it) is just pretty to look at. The gameplay is often the turning point for people in this game, but I was fine with it. I miss not being able to switch styles and some boss fights just kind of end up being lackluster due to the new mechanics. So while I wouldn't say its an upgrade, I wouldn't say its a downgrade either. Just another way to fight thats just as fun as the old one. Of course the god damn story is amazing. I think this story is just as good as majima's 0 story. The parallel of ryuji and kiryu's characters is just so damn good. And you can play as majima the goat again, and of course he's SUPER fun to play as. Despite only a short 3 chapters of majima that shit made me damn near cry. Substories are fun, cabaret clubs are back too (didn't do it at ALL), and the new majima clan defender things is just sort of okay. Didn't get too into that whole thing. Music is fantastic once again. Once again Yakuza amazes me and hasn't missed once.

It's just flashing colors on a screen. That's all it's supposed to be tho. This game isn't meant to be a super in-depth game. It's a simple little timewaster that you can play again and again whenever you want. Good to hop on when you and your friends are bored as hell. Gets a little repetitive and slow for me at times. But at that point it's time to get on another game.


"Rip and tear until it is done." It doesn't get much more accurate than that. You shoot dodge kill and that's basically the game, but it doesn't need to be anything more other than kill kill kill. The game is fun because killing is all you do. It feels fun to move around (Only when you have the air-strafe perk and unlock double jump) and dodge. I wish the glory kills were more brutal and the game doesn't really incentivize you to use all the weapons. So while I had all these weapons I kinda forced myself to use some of them just because I had them and not cause I needed to or they were fun. Soundtrack is fucking sick tho. Can't say the same about the environments to be quite honest. Some are kinda cool but you're either gonna be in hell, a lab, or somewhere orange. Either way this game is sick.

This game is fun only when you force your friends to miserably play along with you. Other than that it's a terrible cart racer with bad track design and even worse controls

Its honestly kind of surprising how simple yet engaging this game is. I think that's largely due to the sound design of this game. It's just straight serotonin listening to all the sounds the game makes when you're doing good. And all for the levels to end with a chorus. The soundtrack itself isn't spectacular with only a couple memorable tracks. Lots of replay value in 4:3 goodness.