27 reviews liked by Mexigrillz

Honestly I wasn't expecting much out of Dolphin Wave since it's the same developer of Senran Kagura: New Link and how I did not enjoyed that game. The only reason this game got my interest is due to the ero artist, Number2 (Takuji) which is well known for their Idolmaster and Oreimo doujins. Dolphin Wave uses the same engine as New Link and many elements from the game is almost identical to New Link but with an improved UI which is easy to navigate and other quality of life stuff. I've been playing this game since launch and I can safely say that this game blows New Link out of the water. The gameplay is similar to New Link that it uses a turned-based combat using skills cards to attack the opponent. but what I like about this version is that it combat is faster than New Link and it looks cool so to me it feels and plays better. Dolphin Wave I feel as it has a better customization than New Link as it's easier to get costumes and they give you poses and stuff for free and can get creative with your character like the console Senran Kagura games. The story is fun water sport story and and the characters are cute and fun to be around with as you interact with them. I hated the gacha in New Link as the gacha rates are so bad that I quit at the same day I started but in Dolphin Wave, the gacha rate are reasonable and they give you free gems everyday. It is also easy to earn gems without paying and to this day I haven't spent a dime. It's a fun game that I wish it was a console game instead and I only give it a 4 star due to the gacha elements.

A board game with a few dating sim elements developed by the Chrono Trigger team did a great job making this a fun board game. I played this game with 3 of my friends to get the full experience. Basically, the goal is to get the most kisses from girls you dated until there isn't any girls left to date. How it works is you have to get to the girl first before your opponent to take them to a dating spot she wants you to go. If the opponent doesn't have a date, then they can try to steal your date. There are random events that can get you items to screw the competition over or get gifts when your rival tries to steal your date by having a gift battle to see which gifts appeals to your date more. Random events are by luck so it can be BS when something bad happens. Sadly it only took one playthrough and around 3-4 hours to see everything for what the game has to offer. Make sense since it is a Satellaview game though I probably won't come back to this game but I'm glad I was able to experience this game with 3 real people.

This DLC is pointless which is a shame because Shadow is cool. The levels are just the same as the base game. At least the SA2 remix music is neat.

This game isn't the worst game in the world but this game felt very soulless and really short. Each stage can be completed in about a minute and the boss fights are boring. Beat the game around 2-3 hours.

This game is not fun. Went online for a couple matches and win but I felt nothing as the controls is pretty bad to control and felt clunky. The menu UI is awful and felt cheap despite being from a multimillion dollar company. The game has awful progression and forces you to grind, and the music is boring, generic, and forgettable. idk if it's changed now but I felt like this is a poor attempt on Smash. Maybe if the devs focus on making the game fun instead of building on acquiring IPs and microtransactions, then maybe this could've been a good game.

A lot of people didn't give this game credit as Gust and DMM made the protagonist Male but really the game story is actually pretty good and is important to the Blue Reflection universe. It has a great cast of characters and even the MC is pretty likable. The MC Leader-kun doesn't really have interesting qualities since he suppose to represent the player but during date scenes he's pretty funny. Sadly this game should've been a console game as the gacha elements and rates are pretty terrible. The gameplay is okay at best but it relies on supports which is kind of bad since the gacha rates like I said earlier is awful. Hopefully this game gets better over time because the story is really good but dropped down by the gacha elements.

A funny and cute shooter. I had fun playing this game. I played other Cotton games before but never finished them but this game is the first Cotton game I’ve beaten. The $40 price is a bit much for such a short game but I say $20 is worth the price if you like to get good at a shooter.

Played this for the first time and it's full of soul. short and sweet. Perfect game for the holidays. Merry Christmas everyone and happy holidays!

I got this game with a Gameboy Advance SP as a kid from a vendor in San Salvador and I played it for a bit as a kid, I never really finished it until today. I decided to play it again and yeah it's a gameboy game from 1993. It's a fun old school arcade game. It's really hard but I enjoyed it. It has co-op multiplayer but couldn't play due to that I don't know anyone that own this game in the first place. Maybe the game is easier with a friend.

A fun beat em' up with friends. If you played the Konami Turtles games before, then it's worth playing. the problem I have with this game is that it's kinda easy so it'll take about 2 hours to beat but one of the best selling points for me is to play local co-op with 5 other players.