Game is a blast to play. If you enjoy boomer shooters and love every little thing that they have to offer down to the clicks and sounds this is definitely a game I would recommend.

Game-play is go around the arena and shoot these enemies that have a variety of strengths and weaknesses. There's also little things you can do here and there that can freshen up the game-play loop. My favorite part being that I can play this online with my friends like why wasn't this thought of sooner. Story exist but it mostly is there to show you how much you can do with the user created levels.

The fact that you can create your own levels give this game a good way to receive support from fans of the boomer shooter genre. I had fun with the communities levels and am hope to create something that can be liked by at least one other person.

Overall this is a wonderful love letter to boomer shooter fans and is worth every penny. Can't wait to continue creating levels for this community.

Heard this game was good a while back decided to give it a try and it wasn't bad. The game was short, to the point, and entertaining.

Game-play had pretty basic hack and slash elements but did a serviceable job to keep me engaged in the game-play loop. I did notice there were some moments where I was over-powered but that may have to do more with how much experience I have with hack and slash games. Mini games were there nothing that particularly got my attention except for the bar tending mini game. The world was beautiful and the developer seemed to understand what to do to make a captivating scene. The environments were well put together either during cut scenes or within the game-play itself. Just a side note I loved that we got to see some of the cast of VA-11 Hall-A.

Writing is where I would say was underwhelming. When I first saw this game I was thinking what the developers take of a cyberpunk world would be?, what would be different?, How would the world be built?, etc. When it comes to the story of the main character I did like the motivation behind why things happen in the story but when it comes to the world itself it didn't add anything exciting to the table. Another thing that I thought was odd was the fact that the outfits don't really stay the same as what you put on while you go through the story. The were some glitches here and there that were odd but nothing game breaking (afaik).

Overall not a bad game to play for $25 but it would be better to wait for a sale instead. It is short, sweet, and to the point and the side missions are really just for extra resources if you need them.

This was my first experience with the Halo series and I mean I only know there is a character called master chief and that is it. My friend and I decided to play this together and we had a lot of fun playing through(badly mind you).

I have to say although this is the first game for me in the series I understand why fans admire it. Playing the game I saw not only the silly and funny/cute moments that the game has but the human and devastating moments. I loved the interaction between the main group of characters, the world around them, the people they work for, the people they are working with and even within themselves. To me, this made the characters individuals in their own right. Their disagreements, banter, arguments, etc. all of this lead to them all being their own character working on the same side but not really working for the same thing, or as others would say working towards the same goal but not for the same reason. I miss this aspect of writing characters cause it would go towards interesting situations, decisions, and actions along with consequences and reaction to them in ways that make the story engaging and keep you thinking what did this character feel when so and so happened?, why did they say those lines like that?, what do these lines mean to them and to the rest of the group?, etc.

Game play cycle was simple shoot the enemies and go to the next area and/or mission. With that said what the developers had to do is depend on level design not only with the map but also with the chessboard of enemies that you have to go through. They did a wonderful job with that, there are moments and set pieces that are memorable cause of the situations that you encounter. These encounters make the game play not only memorable but stops it from being stale and feel like a 2nd job(like some games now a days).

Overall this game is fun to play, tight on the gun play, and a story that kept me engaged and wasn't overdone. Either you enjoy story or game play I now understand why this series had such a passionate following and I might join the fan base still have 1-3 and ODST to play through and am looking forward to playing them

This is not exactly my favorite game. The story was ok for what it was but it didn't really have enough for me. Gameplay was turned-based combat with a timeline that shows when moves were going to be cast and through that you could see when to interrupt your enemies. Although this is interesting, this wasn't enough as only the bosses most of the time would react to interruptions(giving you a debuff or gaining a buff) and the final boss being the only one who could completely turn off interruptions.

Overall this just wasn't my favorite as there were few moments that felt as if story was chosen over gameplay. I will admit it is difficult to place a several chapter story in a short game while utilizing gameplay but I think it would have been better here

This was a good return to form on what a castlevania game is suppose to be like. The gameplay is fun with different characters to play as that have their strengths and weaknesses. The playtime is very short on this but understanding that it is just a lead to the next game, ritual of the night.

Overall this game was fun for what it was but if you wish for a story it is incomplete as the story is most likely reserved for the bigger games. If you are looking for just gameplay (like I do) this is up your alley.

Gal Guardians ended up being a game I didn't expect to have fun with as I first thought that it was a game mainly for those that have played the gal gun series. I myself know too little to know what the gal gun series is like so I'm pretty sure I missed a few references here and there. But what I am a fan of is metroidvania/castlevania games. Now I have to say that this game wasn't advertised correctly as it is a castlevania not a metroidvania. The difference is that castlevania is more level selection reach the final boss of that level (in other words linear in nature) and find secrets in the game here and there. Metroidvania is more exploration and find the next fight or upgrade to progress through the game(in other words open world).

With that being said gameplay is enjoyable not only can you play through the game but you can do some pretty cool things in it (like freezing lava, glide, grappling up walls or across rooms, etc.). This ended up being a really fun way of traversing through the levels. Not only that, the interaction with the games levels is interesting to see. My favorite part was going back and accessing a room that I couldn't earlier to get whatever reward was there. In my excitement of exploring one of the secrets I ended up soft locking myself but that was cause of me being stubborn.

Overall the game does a great job being a fun castlevania game. The game doesn't take itself seriously and it has an enjoyable sense of humor. All this coming together with a game with a short playtime ended up being something I needed after playing some crazy 90+hr games

This focuses on gameplay and that is the type of game I enjoy playing. The classes and their strengths and weaknesses make it so that you play different roles in a mission. Not only that, they also have ways to modify weapons and make the roles even more different from each other.

I think the best thing about this game is the fact that it has one of the best communities in a video game. That alone kept me playing for hours on end and make me feel like going back.

Overall this game is fun and can have you spend hours upon hours playing and enjoying it with not only the gameplay but also the small details the devs decided to add to the game and it's environments. I'll be continuing to play this game so if I see ya Rock and Stone

This game had my attention for a while and I have to say that what people say about it is true and one thing I have to say about it is that it makes you work for the true ending. Not only with the criteria being tedious at times but also with the bosses being very tough the closer you get to the true ending. I would say give this game a go cause it is the game design well thought out and executed the game itself asks the player to push those limits and rewards you for doing so. For a better experience, I would say play this blind cause the writing in character and story was done in an excellent fashion.

Overall if you want a good story and/or good gameplay this is definitely a game that satisfies both of these criteria and worth a playthrough or 2

This is just more of what Cuphead is know for and a little more. Challenging and unique bosses, beautiful animations and art style, and some more smaller challenges to get 100% in Cuphead. Ms. Chalice became a new playable character in the DLC and she is a good way for people to go ahead and play with a character that is easier, different, and offers more options in the boss fight. There is a Chess Challenge that helps you in unlocking all the new weapons in the DLC. Overall this DLC is fun with gameplay that continues to be fun with some new twists and turns that complement an already great game.

I love the art style and the charm the Cuphead and a fun gameplay loop that made me enjoy the game from beginning to end to 100% completion (I don't usually spend time or effort 100%-ing a game). Each Boss is unique and stick out in their own unique way from the boss design to the patterns that the bosses have. Overall there isn't much to say if you enjoy games for art style, gameplay and challenge this is a perfect game to play for that

The game was so much fun I had a great time hacking and slashing my enemies alongside a great and fitting sound track. The game let's you enjoy it from beginning to end and if you wish to look deeper into the story of the game you can but if you just want to play through it then you can. I am a huge fan of gameplay first games and if you love that this let's you play your heart out from not only the story and it's DLC's but also with the VR missions that are available to you.

Overall this game is amazingly fun to play and has interesting things about each character whether you have been following them for awhile or not. and the soundtrack is a banger to listen and play to

The title says it all a game of puyo puyo and tetris. The game has some game modes that I didn't feel like trying out and the story according to someone I know is a copy and paste. And the ending started to drag on a bit in the end. There is multiplayer and endurance game modes which I spent most of my time playing this game. There were a few things they could have done to make the game more convenient. Other than this the game stuck to the gameplay that people expect from playing tetris or puyo puyo with the new stuff that they added not really invading the game play experience.

Overall it's a good mesh of tetris and puyo puyo the fun you find in those games will be in this game and there is multiplayer for those who want to play with friends (which is where I had the most fun playing this)

This game impressed me on a few areas. The world, story, lore, characters, and the mechanics in the gameplay.

When it comes to lore and the world it is crafted masterfully. There is interesting history in the game's world from the conflicts that happened to how things end up to what you see in the story. Everything that happens in the world is something to think about while going through the story but it doesn't overwhelm you thanks to it's, admittedly flawed, pacing.

The story utilizes the mystery box method of storytelling to reveals that are worth the time invested in the game. This is done so well that it has me excited for the next chapter and to see what else is there in this world, what we will do in it, and what effect we will have on it. I would say more but I don't want to spoil it.

The only weakness I have to say is the pacing. The game doesn't kick it into high gear until the end of the 2nd to last chapter. There is a turbo mode to get through everything faster but it is very flawed design-wise. With all that said, I don't know what they could have done to pick up the pace especially since us knowing how everything works and intertwine with each other is done to the point that it seems that this is a breathing universe.

Overall the game is worth playing, even though I see the flaws I don't know what they could have done to make it better without taking away the elements that made the game interactions throughout worth going through.

This game has a great soundtrack, great voice acting, interesting and unique characters with motivations that makes sense in the world they live in, and beautiful art style.

This game has what Yoko Taro is known for from his dark sense of humor to his unique ideas and twists in an RPG. The art and music that his games are known to be in line with is also here and implemented wonderfully. The voice acting was a creative and smart way to create the setting of someone playing a TTRPG.

The only real problem I had with the game was that the gameplay got a bit repetitive towards the end and started dragging but the game was short so that didn't become a real issue.

Overall game this is a pretty good Yoko Taro game and if you want a more calm look into his games this is worth looking at

I made an attempt to play till the end but I ended up not liking the protagonist, the way that you made your party, and quite a few story moments.

The protagonist seems to be able to do everything on her own and I don't understand why she needs a party to travel with. I guess you could say it was a design choice that could be fixed by making the party more useful in some way, like instead of the protagonist being able to use a bow and arrow why not have the bow and arrow character take over, I guess given her power, and use their ability. They had a chance to have an interesting dynamic between the protag and the first party member recruited, since they are on different sides. For example maybe the other side has a point in doing what they did and it was just misfortune that it happened this way.

Some story moments weren't very good. There was a moment when the party are on a flying fortress and they decided to bring the flying fortress down with themselves inside. The whole flying fortress idea should have been done differently I have several ideas they could have gone with but it's just awkwardly placed.

With the party there are a lot of designs and characters in the party but there were no conflicts within the party members. Usually when I see conflict between party members it really makes the world seem bigger and have more life to it. The biggest gripe I have with the party is that they don't seem like they have individuality amongst themselves like a lot of them joined the party just cause they were asked. There was a moment where they seemed like they doing this with Mr. bow and arrow but it ended and felt like there was no rhyme or reason to even start it.

Overall not a game I liked in gameplay design, art design, and story structure.