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Frustrating game. It had the ingredients of being a great game but fumbled it in a lot of ways. Most of all is the lack of polish in every corner. Everything in the game felt unpolished. Janky combat, animations, and getting stuck all the time. Janky cutscenes. Bugs, crashes, screen tearing and loads of performance issues. Can't have immersion in the game at all because some random glitch or issue would occur every few seconds. The combat had some nice stances and moves but the jank hurts a lot of it. The souls like bonfire harm the experience more than it adds. Most of the plot wasn't interesting until close to the end of the game. The characters were good and some setpieces and traversal were fun. The levels from art and design stand point was good and the highlight of the game alongside the platforming and puzzles.

A lot of the bosses were almost good except for the cutscenes, QTEs, and setpieces interruptions and then you would have to redo those on reattempts. Lack of polish in these fights add to the frustrations. Do the devil trigger move that obscure most of the screen and the boss initiated a setpiece move? you gonna be blurred through that thing. if the game had an extra year in the oven it could have been really good but sadly it's only ok.