4 reviews liked by Mickey10Diez

Nice of them to be constantly throwing the suicide hotline number in your face because wasting time on this will make you want to kill yourself.

Legitimately probably the worst thing I've ever played. Powered through the first 2 chapters then got to the part of chapter 3 where it turns into the Slenderman game and I said fuck it.

The "deep" depressed girl dialogue is unintentionally hilarious with how absolutely stupid it is. The terrible voice acting doesn't help either. Not scary whatsoever, the little bit of gameplay other than walking is abysmal, the story was entirely predictable (in addition to just dumb). Can't believe this game hasn't been given the Forspoken treatment with the dialogue being meme'd to death. Any day now.

Infinite Wealth is the culmination of over 9 games of build up of one of gaming's most legendary protagonists, Kazuma Kiryu, and RGG handles that legacy with utmost care and thanks to it, leads to this being one of the most rewarding experiences I've ever had with any title. It has it's expected RGG flaws and missteps in its story and the cohesion of it, and there are still questions definitely left unanswered, but the heart of Infinite Wealth is in telling Kiryu's story.

A massive stepup in terms of gameplay compared to 7 in just about every way, in fact, it's just a step up in every single way imaginable aside from the actual plot. The side content is the best in the series and the actual flow of combat is excellent and engaging. Not having to grind every step of the way in this game made it infinitely more enjoyable over 7's, and with the new combat systems it's hard not to get sucked in.

New and old, Infinite Wealth shapes up well. The new villains are the only real drawbacks (aside from two who are excellent). But the new party members and the development and expansion of the party members of 7 are all solid, their dynamics as strong as ever and if not better, thanks to the walk & talk features as well as the expansion of drink links and bond bingo to get to understand this amazing cast even better than before. Special shotout to Yamai, one of RGG's best characters ever who has a conclusion that I wouldn't expect RGG of all developers to go with and with such a great extent.

To keep this review spoiler free, the ending, while leaving certain questions unanswered, still holds strong to what the game is about between Ichiban and Kiryu's stories. In doing so, they completely deliver upon what both characters are about through and through. Kiryu is easily my favorite character...ever, this game amplified him in so many ways possible. Kiryu excels so much thanks to him just having a party alongside him, and finally accepting the help of others, amongst other things in this game that help him grow, learn, become better and to finally understand.

This game does have a few issues as mentioned. Weaker antagonists overall, some very confusing plot elements that are poorly introduced and implemented and some unanswered questions. Despite all that, this game reminded me just how much this entire series means to me...and it means so, so much to me. RGG pulled off a herculean feat in creating almost 9 entire games in an interconnected story and still managing to create something that satisfyingly concludes and lays the foundations for a new leader to the story.

Quite close to my favorite thing ever made, but without a doubt, Infinite Wealth is a testament to the sheer power of long running narratives and the beautiful feeling of watching almost 4 years of keeping up with a series payoff. Hats off to RGG, I can't think of any other series pulling off something like this.

I can see the vision here and the frankly terrifying opening to this game got me really excited for this to be the scariest Silent Hill yet, but I ended up getting why everyone sees this as the weakest in the Team Silent quadrilogy.

The game before the midpoint was fine enough, if not a lot easier than the previous games. I was fully expecting to shit my pants throughout the entire game, but enemies were mostly harmless and avoidable, and the puzzles were super straight forward, save for the ones that required going back and forth between the room and the hole world. There was really only one moment where I was genuinely spooked, and while it was really good, I really needed more of that.

I was willing to play through with the understanding that this would simply be a different experience than the 3 games before it, but then I got to the infamous midpoint and decided I didn't wanna see it through. Having to escort an NPC through all of the previously explored worlds is already a big letdown, but now having to actually face the shitty inventory management system alongside having to suddenly engage in combat is really stupid and throws a wrench in the already established flow of the game. Also, why does the room start getting scary NOW? I wanted that the whole game man.

Also, why the fuck does the NPC's health affect the ending you get and not just lead to a game over? With how ridiculous the enemy placement in this game is considering how clunky the NPC's AI is, I absolutely shouldn't have my ending be penalized because the game threw 3 of the same enemy at me at once while the NPC skips around waiting to be hit.

Overall, super disappointed by this one.

Shitty gameplay, messy mechanics, awful AI, lame characters, ridiculous enemy placements and half of the game is literally back-tracking through the same places that I explored before. The lore is interesting but it doesn't justify most of the game being a huge mess. I love Silent Hill but I really, REALLY don't understand why people like this one.