4 reviews liked by MiguelsMR

Downloaded the GBA version of this on my GBA Emulator as a joke and over the course of the day I actually beat all of it. It was genuinely a lot better then I expected, but I hope it says something that this is the best piece of Open Season media I’ve experienced and the majority of the time it’s just a mediocre 2D platformer. Sad that this used to be Sony’s headlining franchise before hotel Transylvania.

This game deserves a half star regardless of whether or not it was in The Emoji Movie TBH

Played it cause of a deal with my partner (I'd play this, while they'd watch The Lego Movie) and I got bored so quickly it was surreal. Apart from the random look and ridiculous name I gave my character, I've experienced a grand total of zero enjoyment out of this dumpster fire. And you even have to PAY GEMS for everyday ACTIONS, what's up with that?

Not even ironically entertaining. Avoid.

He couldn't guess Kiki from Miracle Star LMFAO

It's nothing but a fun time waster and sometimes it can miss some obvious guesses, but it's honestly admirable (and pretty damn scary) how an artificial intelligence can read your mind and guess your character/object/animal 90% of the time. How the hell does someone program something like this???