Possibly an unpopular opinion but can we have more non-Mario Nintendo characters in the next game? You can still call it Mario Kart, but I want to play as Kirby on Rainbow Road. Hell I would be fine if Mario Kart just had a Smash Bros style racing roster.

I miss when Lego games didn't talk and were designed around comedic mumbles and humor through body language.

I also question the switch to open world bland city design when the hubs with just specified levels were perfect for these types of games.

Regardless just like all Lego Games, If you enjoy the source material you will find things to like here.

Mark my words. One day the infamy this game has created will cause a sequel to be greenlit.

The main goal here is to make you feel and look cool. BRC has style, flair and an earworm level soundtrack. All of it comes together to make you feel an astronomical level of confidence the first time your score multiplier hits the hundreds.

Come and join the crew, cause we're going All City.

I'm really bummed that this wasn't the slam dunk experience I was hoping for. It lovingly emulates that SEGA console era feel with its charming visuals. It also has a stellar OST and at times the flow state like movement feels really great. I especially loved the goofiness of being chased by an army of penguin guards. It's a weird title that I did have fun with.

But the controls and stiffness of the character is just miserable at times. Most of the time I didn't feel like a failed jump or pitfall was my fault. It often felt like a complete accident when I pulled off something cool. It's a momentum based platformer that feels too eager in halting your momentum. I also ran into a surprising amount of bugs. Sure that will likely get patched later but that doesn't stop it from ruining my first playthrough impressions now.

It's the first real disappointment of 2024 for me and overall a mixed bag. I think it will end up being a guilty pleasure, but I can't recommend this one with any sort of confidence.

I heard great things about this game before but I wasn't expecting this title to be as incredible as it is. The idea of theming an entire Kirby game around sci-fi and robots was genius. The level design is some of the best I have seen from a 2D platformer and the soundtrack is filled with all types of earworms.

I am extremely late to the party when saying this game is a must play for Kirby fans and I hope for a remaster (or even a sequel) so more people can experience this winning combination.

I have a soft spot for this game due to its fun theme parks and the die-o-rama collectibles. But the racing is really bad. For your racing to be bad in a racing game, that is a problem.

I liked it a lot but yeah that ending is....not great. I was kind of hoping that y'all were over hyping it but it was a bummer and left me pretty hollow when the credits rolled. I think it would be easy for me to rate this lower just on that alone, but when I think of ME3 I will think of the journey not the destination.


Tunic is an incredible experience that captures the essence of classic esoteric video games, with a pen and paper feel. It's rich in depth and atmopshere, it's puzzles are engaging, it's main collectible is incredible.

I love everything about this game. I can't really go in-depth without ruining the magic. This is just one of those games where I have to beg you to trust me. If you're comfortable with complex solutions and a world that doesn't guide you, this game is for you.

I came for the Max Payne style gunplay. Stayed for the raw emotional story about abuse and the trauma that comes with it.

I'm incredibly impressed with what is for offer here. The writing, voice acting and visual design all adds a sort of texture to the story. A human tale of one miserable breakup between two people coated in an end of the world style flair. The real shine comes from the impressive camera direction in cutscenes. Most of them take place in the same location but the level of creativity on display make that location feel rich, constantly shifting the tone from safety to suffering.

The gunplay is strong but does have some content pacing problems. New enemies and weapons show up at odd intervals leading to long stretches without anything new to offer. However, due to the short length of the game it's less of a deal breaker and more of a noticeable blemish. The enemies all showcase specific weapon weaknesses, which is good to keep the players switching from old reliable. It's likely not going to be the thing you remember this game for but it is still incredibly entertaining to bullet time dive through a window. Just this time it will involve werewolves in a bathroom.

I really recommend you check this one out. It's another great example that we don't need photorealistic AAA graphics to tell an impactful and moving story.

It feels like an understatement to say that Billy Basso injected new life into a genre that we've seen constantly from the indie scene. From the unique tools picked up along the way, to it's engaging atmosphere and surreal visuals. Animal Well is an absolutely incredible accomplishment and I hope Billy is proud of the outcome after so many years of work.

There is so much to explore and see. So much to uncover from actual gameplay mechanics to weird oddities. I don't feel comfortable saying much more as I don't want to give anything away.

Animal Well is a great achievement and provides two things to be excited about moving forward. What will Bigmode publish next? And what will Billy create next? I can't wait to see the answer to both of those questions.

Court mandated community service after being framed for a crime I didn't commit wasn't this much fun when I had to do it.

I would have made this game my entire personality if it came out when I was a teenager.

Web swinging as Spider-Man is as entertaining as usual and Venom has moments. But in the end I was severely underwhelmed by it's clunky gameplay, repetitive tasks and stylistic but loud cutscene design. Your mileage may vary based on your love for the Ultimate comics universe this title is based on but the story is also a weaker affair compared to other Spider-Man video games.

Ultimately by the end of it I was more than comfortable hanging up my web-shooters.