Wish the Wii/PS2 version had a seperate listing because I feel like those 10 diehard fans would up the rating so fast and it's so different from every other version of this game. (Or any Petz game for that matter)

This game is my whole childhood and I will love it until the day I die. Currently working on a gijinka Ivlet cosplay and no that is not a joke.

You know, in all reality this game isn't amazing in any way, but you just had to be there. This game is still a very comforting childhood memory of mine, and there's nothing quite like the weird piss and shit oriented mini-games and surprisingly morbid story-line. I was so obsessed with this game as a kid that I had a giant life-size foxhound plush who I would call Jake. This plush has been cuddled to complete and utter destruction, but I still own an exact replica.

I love you Jake from Dog's Life on the Playstation 2