You know, in all reality this game isn't amazing in any way, but you just had to be there. This game is still a very comforting childhood memory of mine, and there's nothing quite like the weird piss and shit oriented mini-games and surprisingly morbid story-line. I was so obsessed with this game as a kid that I had a giant life-size foxhound plush who I would call Jake. This plush has been cuddled to complete and utter destruction, but I still own an exact replica.

I love you Jake from Dog's Life on the Playstation 2

Unironically so fun. ESPECIALLY those trippy dream food sequences

Wish the Wii/PS2 version had a seperate listing because I feel like those 10 diehard fans would up the rating so fast and it's so different from every other version of this game. (Or any Petz game for that matter)

This game is my whole childhood and I will love it until the day I die. Currently working on a gijinka Ivlet cosplay and no that is not a joke.

This game is nowhere near perfect but it's one of my favourite if not my all-time favourite game! It's the only game I ever speedrun, with my record currently sitting at 3 and a half hours. (Nowhere near the world record but I just like to have fun)

I have so many hours on this game and 100%'d it so many times.

Is it short? Yes. Rushed? Also yes. But is it full of heart, made by a super passionate team and just so fun?? (ESPECIALLY with a friend) YES!

I will forever love this game even though I can play it with my eyes closed these days :')
Easily the best game in this trilogy.

(Oh also the DS version sucks)

I feel like there's nothing I can really say that hasn't been said before. This game made me bawl my eyes out multiple times and normally I would NEVER have the attention span for a game of this length. Absolutely top-tier.

I love rhythm games, I love platformers, and I love rats. This game was made for me personally uwu

This was frustrating as hell for little me but looking back it's on point for a movie tie-in

Platform: PS2 (No idea why it isn't included)

I don't really have a rating for this as I don't remember a lot of the actual game and mostly watched my brother play, but I just want to share a story for the 5 people who may see this in their life.

A few years ago me and my brother went to put the damaged scratched to hell disc back into our gnarly ps2 for a nostalgia kick, and the chaos that ensued is ingrained into my memory.

By some miracle, the game never froze. Instead, it was just severely glitched out, playing sound effects on a loop in the background, but stopping once the game loaded into something new, like a menu or cutscene.

When we loaded into the opening cutscene, a guy eventually yells "FIREEEE!" (I believe it was a prank? Idk who cares) but that specific line of dialogue kept playing on loop throughout the entire cutscene and even during gameplay. I like to believe the game was screaming for help. On fire, if you will.

Not sure what else to add to this, but it's a core memory for sure. I'll always remember the game for that.

Better than Undertale by a smidge tbh!! Noelle is so me <33

Great game!! Beat the main story but kinda lost interest at the "Golden" part at the end, hopefully I'll finish it one day!

(Review copied from Petz Dogz 2 as I have played both and they're basically the same game)

Wish the Wii/PS2 version had a seperate listing because I feel like those 10 diehard fans would up the rating so fast and it's so different from every other version of this game. (Or any Petz game for that matter)
This game is my whole childhood and I will love it until the day I die. Currently working on a gijinka Ivlet cosplay and no that is not a joke.

(PS. I played the one on DS as a small kid too thinking it would be some perfect port of the PS2/Wii version but yea no the DS version sucks lol, it all goes downhill after the banger titlecard soundtrack)

You will be missed, kind of mid HTTYD MMO I played when I was 12 and then never again <3


Need to finish one day, so so good