5 reviews liked by MirluSaku

I know a lot of people don't like this version but it's how I first played it and I loved it. Amazing combat, music, story, characters, visuals, and art style. I also really love the difficulty settings and how the game is structured.

My first experience of Pokémon and I loved it!

this game mixed my drink and changed my life

I went into this game knowing absolutely nothing other than the existence of a couple characters and needless to say I am so fucking thrilled I went in blind. This game absolutely enveloped my time for a solid period of 5 days, I adore everything about the game. Upon completion I couldn't help but smile like a moron while tears silently hit my desk. I felt so much for the characters and was so engaged. A brief breeze of sadness hit as I realized I had reached the end. Needless to say this is one of my favorite video games of all time.

"Time to mix drinks and change lives."