A so-so Mega Man clone with some decent character designs.

I love the way this game is presented, but it has one of the most boring AC/Batman styled combat systems I've ever encountered.

It's an okay game and better than some other 3DS platformers, but compared to every other Yoshi game it's just disappointing.

I have no strong opinions on Dr. Mario. I think it's fun, but that's about it.


It's cool and seeing Greek myth reinterpreted as the petty family drama it kind of was is pretty neat, but I wish you could fish more.

A really cool 2D mech action game. The on-foot segments weren't that great and the horde survival mode was kind of lacking, but the main game was really fun. It had some pretty creative bosses in it, too.

This was basically the perfect way to celebrate Super Mario's 30th anniversary. The game promised infinite Mario, and used the gamepad's touch screen to great effect, allowing you to move parts of the level around easily while still having the benefits of a large screen to test the levels out on. Yeah there weren't any slopes and unless you were playing the kind of gutted 3DS release there wasn't too much to do other than create and play levels, it was still a lot of fun. The amiibo costumes also added a lot to the game despite not changing anything mechanically.