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This game is good, there's no doubt about that - from the moment I first opened it, I couldn't take my eyes off the screen or my mind off its narrative. My phone kept running out of battery and I absolutely refused to let go of it, even having to contort myself to stay near the electrical plug.

I'm not a movie buff or anything like that, but I am a fan of getting to know how the sausage gets made. Telling the narrative through this documentary-esque medium, blending finished movie scenes with behind-the-scenes cuts and interviews... this dance around the fourth wall is just very entertaining. Like I'm there with the characters, as a part of the crew.

There's also the secret scenes. Ominous, tricky to find at first, very confusing. The underlying narrative surrounding them is very intriguing, though even without the actual story, just the inclusion of these scenes in the game turns this slightly mundane collection of clips into a haunted house. It's a carrot on a stick, something to look forward to, to piece together.

I liked this game.