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July 18, 2022

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July 8, 2022

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Library Ownership


Shadow of the Colossus is a game i've been wanting to play for a long, long time, most of my friends and people online have hyped this game to death, and so, i was hype when i first got my hands on it, but did the game live up to the hype in my case?

no it did not

i'm going to try and be as ''objective'' as i can about this game since it's in a...delicate situation, to say the least.
First and foremost, this game is NOT bad, but it is not as good as people told me it was. The concept of the game is simple yet incredible, climb colossi, find their hidden vital spots or whatever they're called, and kill them, some colossi have multiple spots, it's simple enough, but not easy (not too hard neither), but why do i say it's not easy? i'll explain this and more with my thoughts regarding SotC:

1-controls are wacky as FUCK: most of the time you're gonna spend moving in this game is ''fuck i didn't quite want to do this'' and ''holy shit i'm a fucking god at this game'', and why is this? it's simple: the game works when it literally wants to, and one might ask, why? to which i answer in my next points.

2- while the physics of the game are incredibly nice, there were LOTS of times where they bugged out (in my experience), be it Wander just literally having a schizo attack and not knowing where to grab to/where to stand on (this literally made me RAGE multiple times, i hadn't felt so much frustration playing a game since i played league of legends at the age of 15), or Agro just doing quite literally whatever she wanted. In most games, having wacky physics isn't really that huge of a deal if it's not to an extreme, but in a game like SotC where EVERYTHING you have is physics and your own movement is uh, troublesome to say the least.

3-incredible, massive, but EMPTY open world: yes i know you can collect fruits and lizards to increment stamina and life (and some yellow stuff in the ps4 version which unlocks something that i can't remember but it was neat, however, doing those 79 yellow thingies yourself alone, without the help of a guide, would be kamikaze) it is NOT enough. it is a massive, and when i say massive, i mean REALLY. FUCKING. MASSIVE. WORLD. but it has NOTHING on it, and i know, it's incredible for it's era and it was 2005 and blabla, but if you make a giant map with nothing on it, it's the same as making nothing, it did not impress me, and it did not leave a mark on me as it could've if it actually, you know, had things in it.

4: the lore is sort of...nonexistent up until the end: not much to explain without spoiling really, but like, you'll have the start of the game in the first 20-30 mins, then you'll literally go like 5 hours only killing colossi and then you'll have a few cutscenes at the endgame that kinda explains, kinda don't, you have to figure it out yourself, but i believe most people can understand what happens, it's not too weird/deep as to not being able to understand it.

sort of looks like i'm only throwing shit at the game, so i'll give my thoughts on what i believe are the strong points of SotC:

1: the soundtrack is really good, however, it lacks songs (imo)
2: the concept of the game is absolutely incredible, it looks simple, but it's so well executed it gives a strong feeling of satisfaction when defeating colossi, even the easy ones

3: the area design was incredibly good, not much else to say about this, if you played it you know.

i'm gonna make one thing very clear tho, it's 2022, and this game came out in 2005, it's really important to put yourself in 2005's shoes and try to appreciate it that way. i know that, if i played it around 2010/2011 i'd have given this a 4/5, but it's 2022, and i'm looking at this way different than i would of if i played it before, if i were to give this game a score nowadays it'd be 2.5/5, so i just gave it a middle score of 3 (which does not mean it's a bad game at all btw), seems reasonable to me

overall ok game, not bad, not too good, just the necessary amount of good for me to like it (is it a good time to say i'm not really into these types of puzzle/platformer games? i think it is), i really recommend to try it out, and remember:

One strategy to consider is to hide thyself underground...