I commend Capcom for trying something different with the Mega Man formula: the faux open-world is nice idea, but I don't feel that it was executed that well here.
I feel this game would have been more successful was it not made for a handheld console. The screen size is a detriment to the style of gameplay. Also, the final boss with way too hard. For me, it became too difficult to be enjoyable.

What can I say that hasn't been said? The combat is alright, but everything else isn't, really. I gave this game an honest try twice. The second time I played for about six hours and said to myself, "I've played enough". A game should not take that long to get me invested and certainly to be entertaining. Like I said, the combat is pretty good, but when that's what you're doing 90% of the time, it gets old quick. Maybe, someday, I'll try revisiting it again, but that's not a guarantee.

Absolutely the best compilation of classic Mega Man games there ever has been. Beats the new Legacy Collections easily in terms of content. I bought it years ago for PS2 for $20!