This game was ultra disappointing to me when it came out, but coming back to it earlier this year, I have slightly differing opinions on it.

The game takes a LOT of strides to become more accessible and fitting in the 2013 open-world game landscape, and while a good chunk of them are appreciated and work really well, most of them I feel really detract from the arcade-like aspect that make the first two games great. The map is also a total downgrade from DR2's Nevada capitalist playground, turned into four separated city sections that don't do enough to warrant them not existing together, and, with that and other elements, makes the map feel weirdly restrictive.

Still though, this is a good game. The zombie carnage is even more emphasized here, and while the old crafting will be missed, it is admittedly a lot easier to make combo weapons, and the new ones brought into the fray are usually really fun to play with. The combo vehicles are also fucking awesome, and the story is pretty servicable.

Not a major thing also but this game has one of the ugliest UIs I've ever seen in a game. Not bad, but holy shit, is it ever bad on the eyes.

Reviewed on Sep 21, 2021
