Sonic The Hedgehog "Mainline" Games Ranked

Mainline just means it's not a spin-off, and that itself is hard to define. Just the ones I've played and finish so far.

Please Sonic fans, don't get mad at me or something.

Overall the best out of the 2D titles. It is the intended way to play Sonic 3, the complete package.
My personal favorite. Outside of Metropolis Zone it's a solid game overall.
Oh boy, this game gets a lot of crap for a lot of reasons. And I totally understand where they come from. For Sonic standarts though? One of the best. Look, I'm going to say the word...MOME- you know what I'm refering to.
2D revival! Perfect in all regards, I would have liked more variety for the levels. A bit overated if you ask me too.
Half of the complete package that was supossed to be. Has the best levels but loses a ton because of the lack of content that is in Sonic & Knuckles.
The other half of the complete package. As a kid I always wondered why these level were harder than in Sonic 3.
CD is not for everyone. I personally like it, but I can see it's flaws from a mile away. The main objective is to explore and...not go fast? Also one of the best soundtracks in the series.
Lovely game that suffers from a lot of issues mainly pacing and the Werehog sections are fun, to some degree. Give yourself a favor and play it on a Xbox One or Xbox Series.
Controversial take but this game had a lot of potential. Could've been better than Adventure probably if given enough time to cook. As it is, it's a fun mess to play around and laugh.
Has everything the Sonic games stand for to this day. After Green Hill Zone it's starts to go "downhill", get it? Star Light Zone was great though but the rest are slow paced level that require patience.
One of the worst stories in the franchise, if you ever noticed it had a story to begin with. Gameplay wise is not bad, and I think the Parkour System is nice, a good departure from the boost formula that sadly is stuck to a bland game.
People love to praise Sonic Adventure 2, but they are blinded by nostalgia. It's a good game don't get me wrong with a lot of tedious and frustrating sections in between that definitely sucks what fun I can have with it.
If it's so low on this list doesn't mean it's a bad game. If I had to describe Generations easily I would say is the perfect vessle for mods because Generations itself is a husk of a game. I appreciate that it is a fun and safe game for the Sonic series, but doesn't add anything beyond that.
A weird experiment of the 2000's era. It has some cool ideas, like the alligment system but most of these cool ideas end up with a terrible execution.
When was this good? I've been lied to all my life. It's solid in it's fundation, but the rest falls so flat on it's face is not even funny to laugh at.
Interesting level variety, one of the worst controls to date. The team gimmick gets tiring really fast too. I've read somewhere that only one guy got to design all the levels and it really shows.
At the time I was eagerly anticipating this game with Mania, back in 2016. Everything feels unfinished and I feel it's a game that never reached it's full potential just like Sonic 06.


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