Destiny 2014

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I am giving this star rating purely based on me having played the base game, which was eh, and watching my favourite streamers playing the dlc's, which was one of my favourite things to do when I was younger.

I think this game would be phenomenal if Bungie was not a sack of fucking greedy geniusses. You are the biggest bad ass around, the graphics and surroundings are just... wow and the gun play is the best thing I have ever had the privilege to play in a first person shooter. If it had more content I would just love it. But it's bare bones and after having payed for the base game Bungie continuously asked for more money, which I didn't feel like giving to them, 'cause I was essentially put before the choice as a kid to either pay for destiny or other games and I didn't want to be stuck playing only destiny. And this is where my first hand experience just about ended. But watching streams was pretty fun so take 8/10.

Also I hate this game for having sparked the trend of bad live service games that wanted to be like him but couldn't because there can only be one. Fuck live service I am actually going to deduct half a star.