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Sometimes I have difficulty focusing on games. I play for what feels like 5 hours, then I clock out, and only one hour passed. Maybe an hour and a half. What's up with that?

Anyway, this one was the complete opposite: 5 hours that felt like 20 minutes, and a refreshing experience. In true metroidvania fashion, you collect power-ups that expand your options on the map. Ground pound, wall jump, wall slide, you name it. The best part is stringing movements together in order to reach your destination. Every room is like a small puzzle: how do I reach my goal? I found myself scratching my chin time and time again, mentally planning my route and then executing it is what video games were made for. If you're creative with your movement, then this game rewards you immensely with a degree of control you never seen before. Highly, HIGHLY recommend it.

And that's not even mentioning the graphics: charming n64-style graphics with that vaseline filter on textures that the console is known for really elevates the ethereal feeling the game presents, along with the carefully created soundtrack.

Buy it now for some goat action.

Pinnacle of PC mobas. Leaguebabbies don't @ me