Three words
Boring, tedious , and short
Most sections early game are dragged out /filer while others are just thrown together and expected to work or make sense.
To sum this game up it's a half baked experience that shows it age , with little to no fun to be had to due to jank and other issues . Glad I paid little for it cause if I paid anymore I would've felt ripped off .

One of the worst rpgs I have played , poorly balancing of plot progression and actual gameplay. Very little battles , to much plot via talking from very bland and cookie cutter characters . A very forced and contrived relationship between the main protagonist and the female lead . And the battle system is very bare bones lacking any strategy behind it . The only positives I can give is maybe the art style , the graphics and music along with the petty drunk family member he is the best part of the game for me and got a chuckle out of me at times .

One of the best rpgs I have played , and one of the only games I have seen that did time travel correctly where it made sense . The music is great, so are the characters , the battle system is quite different but fun when you get the hang of it . It's a must play ^v^