1 review liked by Monteraggo

Legit gave myself a headache trying to remember anything that stuck with me for this game other than it's hamfisted treatment of oppressed uprisings and chastising the slaves for being too violent while you play as the world's greatest spree killer Booker DeWitt.

Elizabeth's real contribution to the gaming arts is she was part of the drive to advance sfm technology cause people cannot stop being horny for milquetoast women that show even the slightest bit of cleavage.

I also think this game is up there for worst video game box art/illustration of all time. Boring, stock box art 101 on display here, folks.

To give a positive after that dragging...it plays well. Like any other shooter back in the early 2010s. Plasmids are a fun lil tweak to that, I suppose.

Another note that is so funny, when I think of it I'm driven to tears from how hard I'm laughing: The ending where it recalls you looking at a post card with a solution to the final puzzle of the game which is a key, and two skeletons if my memory serves me well.

Such an awful "puzzle", the equivalent of asking game players to put the round peg in the round hole.

The people that designed this game thinks its players are idiots, but I dare say the writers and designers of this game are the ultimate fools.