It’s pretty solid, hell, might even say a great game.

It fairly short, but I think that’s perfectly fine since the game didn’t overstay it’s welcome. And despite it’s short length, the game surprisingly has some meaty content. The animations are really smooth and the soundtrack is really good, stand out being “Party in the Clouds”. The plot is fairly nonsensical and didn’t make much sense but was still very charming to experience.

My major gripe with this game though is random encounters. In my opinion, this addition felt completely unnecessary and could have easily have not been in the game. It annoyed me for the entire game, since they don’t instantly spawn in once you get into the overworld and sometime spawns just happens in the most inconvenient and stupidest of places. And the items they give you are worthless since you get a TON of items during your playthrough.

Other than that, this is a pretty solid, borderline amazing game. Even if I haven’t watched much of the show - i feel like i committed a sin… :/ - this was a delightfully charming game that perfectly captures the whimsical and weird nature of Adventure Time. For most of my playthrough, I was having so much fun. If you’re a fan of the show and you haven’t tried this game, DEFINITELY recommend you do so. And even if you haven’t really watched the show, you should give this game a shot if you like fun and tightly designed action platformers. Thanks for reading! ( ^ω^ )