who needs microsoft flight simulator when we have b

This game is great, with modding. If you play the vanilla game with no mods, it is embarrassingly unoptimized and has plenty of minor issues that all add up and make the experience overall not very enjoyable, however if you mod this game, you can fix most if not all of those issues, mods like 'sodium' can improve performance up to 5x on high end computers, World generation mods such as 'tectonic' and 'biomes oh plenty' can make exploration a lot more enjoyable, Mods like 'quark' and 'supplementaries' add more fun content/features that fit into the game. The 'essentials' mod improves multiplayer by a substantial amount and allows to play with your friends off your single player world without having to join any servers or any additional setup, just send them a friend request and invite them once you get in game. With mods this game is a masterpiece, otherwise it's average. I recommend the modrinth launcher to do all your modding forge and fabric alike. Overall I think Minecraft is a great investment of your time and is incredibly fun.

the xbox 360 port of this game is a banger, its just plants vs zombies but much more polished and with more content such as a multiplayer game mode.

this game does so many things right but its hard to be scared when the antagonists designs are as atrocious as they are.

the best 3 parts of this game are:
3. the goofy running animations
2. the satisfying popping noise when you hit a shot
1. the trailer

This game is a masterpiece with fun and immersive gameplay and an amazing soundtrack that fits perfectly into the aesthetic of the game, the story is thrilling and the game graphically looks gorgeous, I recommend you to play this game, trust me, it'll change your life for the better.


Visuals and atmosphere are the only merit this game has.