Such a nothingburger of a "remake". That's all I have to say about this thing

A very fun escape room-like game. Very clever mechanics and VR integration.
I am not a fan of the deaths that have like 10 seconds of reaction time because it's not the same reacting fast in VR than in normal videogames.
Still, it was a very enjoyable experience and very funny too.

More fun than I expected! Sure there are performance issues and some weird bugs but the game itself is very good.
The stories are a major step up from Sword and Shield, there's so much stuff to do, the music is good, the graphics are fine.
I just wish something was done about the order to tackle stuff, since there is no level scaling I found myself having to look up a guide and then stopping leveling up to not be OP.
Still, the game is quite good by modern Pokemon standards.

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This is a story game so I'll begin by saying that gameplay is fine, except for the parts where you need to aim at something and shoot/punch, because those are way too janky and too fast sometimes.

As for the story: I enjoyed it, actually. Even with the final twist, the story was more interesting that Man of Medan's.
The ambiance, the environments, the setting, I liked it more than the previous game.
I also feel like the horror element was improved. Aside from certain moments I don't think the scares were cheaply done.
Overall, I did enjoy the game, its story and characters, and even though it has its flaws I thought it was nice

Meh, it literally is the V3 development plan but expanded to a full "mini" game. Rather just watch the interactions in Youtube

The third entry in the Bayonetta series continues the trend of the games being a joy to play.
The gameplay is tight, the scenes and moments are very cool, and especially the ending had very very cool stuff. Unfortunately, some parts of it are not great.
For example, the Viola sections. I don't like how she plays, parrying for witch time is very different to get used ro and it's not just that it's a parry instead of a dodge, it's that it feels like Paper Mario 64 block timing, sometimes witch time being like 2 seconds, which is useless.
Also, I can't overlook the graphics; the game itself is very stylish, but there's something about it that feels... blurry? Besides the obvious jaggies, the style has this kind of clay look that I didn't love, I liked how Bayonetta 1 and 2 looked better.
Still, this game is still very much worth it, special mention to the music! (Except the battle theme which I'm 50/50 on)

After trying to finish the game for 2 years and finally managing to do so, these are my final thoughts:
The game had potential, it has an interesting story, cool gameplay for the most part, etc.
However, it falls apart in the length department, the storytelling being way too cluttered and confusing, the gameplay becoming bullshit sometimes, among other things.
I loved the setting, that's for sure, but I can't help but feel that it could have been better, after a while it became boring and tedious, which is why it took me so long to finish it.

Meh. Probably the most whatever content of Control.
For Alan Wake lore it's cool I guess, but the actual gameplay and missions were meh.

Pretty good game. I liked the atmosphere, the gameplay, the story.
My main issues with it are some jank in certain battles, as well as the controls, but aside from that I enjoyed it a lot

Kinda short but very challenging, and creative ideas.

I was never big on Metroid games. I tried many of them before on previous consoles, but they never really clicked with me.
Metroid Dread was different, I got hooked on it. Even though it took me a lot of time to finish it I still enjoyed it a lot.
The gameplay is very nice, the atmosphere is great, the fights, the dread.
Although there are some things that I didn't love they aren't that big to bring down the game that much.
This game was a pleasant surprise, I may play the next entry after all (if there even is one)

After being immensely disappointed with the Splatoon 2 campaign I was ecstatic to see that Octo Expansion was the actually good campaign.
Now, with Splatoon 3, my fear that it was the same as 2's main campaign was present with the first levels. Fortunately they realized the Octo Expansion model was better and they did just that here.
The levels were a nice challenge and the story was different for a change.
I just don't give it 5 stars because the formula was already done in Octo Expansion, and the boss fights were a bit disappointing, but it was otherwise a great campaign.

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Where to begin with this...
I loved the first game, it was a very interesting proposal for a new saga, the mysteries it had were great, the characters were cool, the story was engaging. It had its issues, of course, but I still enjoyed it very much.
Nirvana Initiative, on the other hand, is very conflictive for me. Aspects like music and graphics are excellent, I have no comments there, so let's focus on the story, characters, pacing, etc.
My main issue with this game is as follows: while the big plot twist was amazing and I was very surprised by it, its very nature leads to the first half (ha) of the game having bad pacing, confusing story, and weird character interactions.
Ryuki being an unreliable narrator is not bad, but then they barely do anything else with him after Mizuki takes over, I felt disappointed with that. The main villain, Tearer, has his identity revealed in the first half and that's it, there's not much else to do with him and then you realize he is actually dead already, so there's not even a confrontation with him. Then there's the no spoiler policy, this reeeeeeally hurt the game, especially with the interactions between the old cast and the new one.
I felt like many of the games moments weren't earned, but rather, shoehorned, for example, Komeji and Shoma having an ending for the sake of having one like Ota and his mom in the first game, or everything about Lien and Kizuna's relationship.
Finally, the Somniums. I'm afraid to say that they are mostly a big step down from what Somniums were in the first game. In the first game they were these dreamy sequences that had lots of options and ways to interact, but here they (not all of them) are very linear or have no room for diversion. The very second Somnium is easily the worst Somnium in both games by far, it literally has basically nothing that makes a Somnium, it instead is a linear sequence that drags and drags.
All in all, I feel like in the quest for explaining the twist, many of the game's elements HAD to suffer, and I don't know if it was worth it in the end. Not all is bad though, it does have its great moments, emotional moments, funny moments, but they aren't enough to "justify" the bad moments it does have.


It's an interesting game with lots of replayability due to multiple endings, the atmosphere is nicely done but since it's so short I could never get attached to either character so the endings didn't impact me very much

Very fun RPG. The comparison to Paper Mario is very easy to make and with good reason, but I still think the game shines on its own very well.
The music is great, gameplay is fun, there's good challenge and an interesting story.