The game has it all. Puzzles, setting, good mechanics and a most curious story. It is short, but it lasts. It also has some bonus phases and challenges to round it out. I think everyone should play it.

Essential. 9/10


Very good battle royale. It has a more realistic tone compared to the arcade of its competition, which I personally like.

I find the game very fun and addictive. Like the rest of the games of its genre, it can be a little frustrating at first, but as you improve and get to know its maps and mechanics, you will have a great time. And it certainly doesn't take long to acclimatise. Ideal for playing with friends.

I recommend it if you like the genre. 8/10


The turn-based strategy genre blows my mind (XCOM super fan) and this Mechanicus does not disappoint. He has good ideas, his own personality and I love how it reflects 40k.

First of all, the story is nothing special, but the conversations of the subdominus are entertaining. In addition, the setting is so well achieved that everything around you helps to get you into the world of 40k.

In the other hand, combat mechanics are good. You have different disciplines for each techpriest with a lot of options and Augment equipment for your characters, Additionally, you can discover guns or some objects in your run through the tombs, that you can equipt later.

With all of that in combat u can do a lot of actions, depending on your wepons, equipment and discipline of your techpriest. This disciplines have different passives for each character, and let you do some different actions in combat like buff damage for your wepons or more deffense for your team.

Additionally, you can have troops too, which I find very interesting and without a doubt a great success, cause they add more strategy to the game. They can be uplocked in missions, and in the same way u can upgrade them through the game. We have different types of this troops and with more game difficult, the more you need to choose wisely this characters and know when to use them.

They way you can get weapons, or upgrades for your troops, is doing missions for the subdominus, a mechanic so gratefull cause u can choose what mission, and for who, u want to do, with differents regards that can change entire game for you in the next battle.

The awakening mechanic is also interesting. It gives you a purpose with a time limit that is in line with your mission and adds a plus of difficulty to the game in general.

Like i said, i loved this game, and his try to not simply copy/paste the XCOM franchise. Developers tried here to give his own personality and they did it. Game is so fun and you have to learn things to play good in this 40k world.

Recommended. 8/10


I have mixed feelings about this game.

In one hand, i loved the art style so much, including environment and animations in battles. The story looks very interesting and maybe the could be attractive, with different characters, each one with his own abilities.
Besides I liked lthe chaos/order too, a system that increase in base of our actions/dialogues and the battles have interesting things like the objectives, so we dont get bored of fighting and try to be witty.

In the other hand, that same systeam forces you to do those exact actions so you win more xp/coins, limiting your own skills. Even so i think is an interesting thing and could work well if they think about it a little more.
As far as I concern I personally don't like very much the visual novel style, it does the game so lineal, without backtrack or any freedom. At least during this prologue.

Even so I'm gonig to add it to my wish list, I can buy it in a sale, cause i really love the TBS/TRPGs. 4/10


This game moves halfway between several genres, on the one hand the story develops as a visual novel with small decision making, and the gameplay is a simple management of the police station, choosing troops, the priority of the cases and some small puzzle with investigations.

Its story does not have an amazing script or full of twists, but personally it did captivate me and it is largely the reason why I enjoyed directing the police station. On the other hand, its management system is not very deep either, so don't expect hours and hours and hours of play per game.

We have 180 days of micro-management of the police station, with the life of our protagonist among gangsters and politicians, making decisions to do the best possible for the department and for ourselves, experiencing all kinds of situations.

The game is entertaining and, in my opinion, recommended. 6/10


I wanted to like the game. A kind of pubg with fresh ideas? Why not ? But the result is mediocre.

The initial tutorial no longer bodes well, but once playing it is worse, many things seem half done. Animations, weapon recoil, sounds, etc. It's a shame because with greater depth in the gameplay (its worst section) and fixing some things about animations and bugs, the game could turn out and who knows, be an alternative. But in my opinion, this is not so.

Although it has interesting things, in general the feeling is that of an adapted mobile game.

In my opinion it is nothing more than a very bad PUBG mobile. 2/10


Real-time strategy game, direct and simple.

Graphically I love it. It has beautiful pixel art during the day and is dark with good light effects at night. In addition, the music accompanies it, giving it a tone of fantasy with mystical overtones. The set is very good.

On the other hand, its gameplay has a good learning curve. Its playable mechanics are simple and you learn them quickly in just 1 minute at the beginning of the game, no problem. Another thing will be to master the game and make your kingdom prosper, something that you will have to learn through trial and error. A path that I have loved and that has made me enjoy almost 30 hours.

Highly recommended. I think that its great asset lies in its simplicity, accompanied by a general atmosphere that is very pleasing to the eye. 8/10
