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Ahh boy the game. Honestly one of the most special games I’ve played. While it’s simple in concept it excels at something jrpgs tend not to focus on. Humor! Along with a world that feels familiar it creates a great setting.

This game will have laughing or questioning how weird the world truly is. Honestly, it feels refreshing and almost wonder on how this quirky world came to be. While the main cast isn’t heavily characterized the focus was definitely on the player exploring eagle land and what different experiences you can find.

From fighting the KKK to getting high off shroomcake, the game never ceases to suprise the player with random concepts and characters. It’s light hearted nature gives a very warm and welcoming atmosphere.

This overall vibe along makes the final dungeon and boss even more jarring and sort of scary but the climax of the game leaves you fufilled in a way I can’t describe.

There is not a single thing I would change about the world or story. It’s all a wonderful mess that has me smiling thinking about it. I wish this game could get a remaster with some modern polish just to gather an even larger audience to entertain.

10/10 pour one out for the homie buzz buzz the real one

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The most faithful Pokémon game. The original creators have stated that they believed Gen 2 to be closer to there true idea for what Pokémon should be, and before they even knew what the franchise would become the finale to their original idea.

And then they remade it.

With the great ds sprites of the era, the remakes to the second generation ended up looking great. In my opinion these sprites look the most faithful when compared to the art and anime. As well as giving great mechanics such as the automatic run feature, the gameboy sounds, and the best walking with Pokémon sprites the franchise has seen. The sound design is also beautifully crafted with tracks getting additions such as the piano entrance in National park.

This Pokémon game provides and unique experience with a more relaxed tone throughout the game. It feels like a nice walk through the environment and your own pace.

2 regions, an epic boss battle, and the battle frontier as post game many never get tired of this game. Other feature had been added to such as ways to get modern Pokémon as well as areas that had been expanded from the original game.

You won’t get a Pokémon game that feels more Pokémon then this game.

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The long awaited sequel to earthbound with way more emotion and story driving the series then ever before!

This game has a lot of heart built into it. You will feel sad and heartbroken as you progress through the game. The story of the 2 brother is as tragic as a game that looks like this will get. With this plot in the forefront the ending ends up being super satisfying and enjoyable while also being sorrowful and hopeful.

The characters know as the magypsies are by far my favorite story element. They teach that loss isn’t always a bad thing and display different outlooks on how to live life. Meeting them in the story always brought me happiness and really had me internalize how I view life and loss.

Where I feel this game lacks is in its length. I feel like certain story elements and pacing are somewhat off within the game. Unlike its predecessor, mother 3 is a heavily plot based game. Driving by many of the characters and npcs you meet along the way. While this itself is satisfying the main cast seems to get the short end of the stick. Lucas and duster get many story elements and arcs within the game but kumatora seems to just be along for the ride. Arguably other characters like flint and salsa get more growth and story compared to a main party member.

With pacing the games starts slow but begins to speed up rapidly. While the beginning sets up plot through the world and npcs, I feel like it sacrifices the later story development and cast. The hummingbird egg I feel is a great representation. Around 2 chapters are spent getting the egg for it to just be a Muggufin in the end. There’s also a huge information dump at the end of the game with no real hints during the plot for the “twist”. Overall it gave me a sense that the plot was rushed and initially had a lot more in store before it was created.

Overall I feel this game has a great message of loss, grief, hope, acceptance, and growth. Truly a beautiful game. I just wish the creators could’ve given us what they fully had planned