A damn fine little RPG that till holds up wonderfully today, well worth anyone's time.

Truly peak fiction
A new protagonist and a new gameplay direction brought me one of the finest experiences I've ever had.
My absolute defacto favourite Yakuza plot and cast, the one and only nitpick I can give this game is that it's quite easy.

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At the time of release this was a perfect end to Kiryu's story, heartfelt, somber but hopeful. One of my favourite stories with the only blemish of the game having next to none of the returning cast along for the rise.

Oh no, it's Ono Michio

A game that feels like the culmination of everything RGG has learned about making the series, absolutely stuffed to bursting with content.
The double edged sword of all the content is that the main plot takes far too long with a painfully extended middle act.

It's peak
One of my faves in the franchise introducing two of my all time favourite characters: Akiyama and Saejima.
For a first attempt at handling a multiple playable character plot RGG nailed it.

The weakest entry in the franchise for me, cumbersome combat and a plot that takes way too long to get started and even when it does get going too much of it is told through very dry conversations.
The final boss is raw as hell though.

A stellar remake of easily one of the best games in the franchise and chocked full of extra content not seen in the original game.

A solid remake of the first game, it's only real drawback is that the side content of the first Yakuza game was very bland and it's all recreated in full here.
The new Majima Everywhere system was genius and perfect though.

As fun a time as any other Yakuza game, only really let down by some iffy combat quirks and a rather glacial first half to the plot.

A truly fantastic sequel and easily one of the best Spider-Man stories told to date.
The open world was a joy to explore thanks to the new traversal options available and there was no fluff, all of the side activities were fun to play and worth cleaning up.
A perfect Platinum Trophy.