Pure old school beat-em up perfection no more to say about it than that, if you like beat-em ups then you're doing yourself a disservice by not playing this.

A real drop in quality after how great House of Ashes was. Easily the buggiest and most rushed feeling of these games, I had nothing but issues with it the entire time.
The set-up and framing of the story was enjoyable but it eventually fell flat very fast, a decent enough cast, I liked a good handful of them, a lacklustre villain though and somewhat boring ending.
This game is saved by the incredible "Murder Hotel" trick house setting used to great effect in the first half.

Now this was a major improvement over the last two Dark Pictures games, a longer runtime enough to actually flesh out the cast and build tension, a fantastic setting, some great scares and a wild as hell twist that had me hootin' and hollerin'

A real let down, a completely unlikable cast in a setting that doesn't get used to its fullest and topped off by an absolute cop-out ending.

A too short narrative with an almost immediately predictable twist, the setting was interesting and the cast all performed well but otherwise what a let down.

A truly loving testament to all things horror wrapped in a perfectly fun and engaging narrative.
The game never dragged nor did it ever feel like I was being rushed to the end, perfectly paced.

I played this thinking it was gonna be an absolute meme the entire time but it somehow ended up being truly peak fiction and I am glad I saw it through to the end.
Jack Garland is a real one, lets kill Chaos together.

A truly excellent next step for the Zelda franchise, exploring Hyrule is just a joy thanks to an open world that is just plain and simple fun to wander around in.

One of the darn finest rogue-likes I've ever played, I love metroidvanias and combined with this game's incredibly fun combat made for a game I keep coming back to for "just one more run" even after getting an ending.

Just so painfully average in every way possible, I wanted to like this thing more but then I'd have to do "combat" and all my enjoyment faded away.

An outstanding metroidvania through and through, a massive well designed map to explore, tough but fair bosses, gorgeous visuals and absolutely stuffed to the brim with content.

An incredibly well made and fleshed DLC, they took a throw away mode from the original game and made it into a fantastic companion piece to the main game.

It's perfect, a remake I never asked for or wanted and yet somehow Capcom made an already 10/10 game even better.
A stunning game to look at with tight controls and excellent encounter design.
Ample unlockables and tons of replay value, especially for trophy/achievement hunters.

Huge improvement over the already great first game but also brutally harder.
I love the dungeon crawling n this game so much.

A game definitely showing its age nowadays, this re-release could have done with adding some of QoL improvements from later games but aside from that this first game is still a real good time.