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November 5, 2019

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here i am trusting nintendo again, and here i am disappointed

Luigi's Mansion The First was an extremely unique experience on the gamecube that continued nintendo's current streak of fresh ideas produced with a level of polish that was unrivaled, making for a game drenched in atmosphere and full of fun puzzle bosses that to this day ceases to get old.

then they made a second one, so fuck everything i just said. pushing the focus towards environmental puzzles and being as uncreative as possible, LM3 continues the legacy of being completely inoffensive and pushing the focus more on gameplay and as far away from world building or - god forbid - atmospehre as possible.

lets get somethin' straight here. the gameplay of luigi's mansion on its own (or as some might say, in a vacuum) isnt that much to write home about. it was good, and extremely satisfying having to push and pull with the ghouls, but its not what keeps the game going. the atmosphere and the characters, on TOP of the gameplay, are what make it special. every portrait ghost had a quirk to them, but it wasnt completely over the top. every ghost feels like a real person with a goal in mind. hell, the first boss is just an old man that wants to read a book.

Luigi's Mansion 3 starts promising, the first two bosses being a luggage handler and a maid keeping in theme with the hotel. then you fight a fat police officer that likes donuts. then an irritable artist. then a knight. then a t-rex. then cleopatra, etc.

every level is a cliche, and the gameplay has little to no variety. go in a room, solve a puzzle, maybe suck up the same three ghosts and repeat. the real meat and potatoes of gameplay is in the boss fights, which while unoriginal are always fun to fight. and even then, it mostly revolves around waiting for them to attack and then flashing.

other than that its the usual nintendo fare: looks great, sounds great, smells great, everything on the presentation is excellent, outside of most of the ghosts looking really gross and generic (e.x. the angry ghost is a big red rectangular prism, this game has worse enemy design than the fucking jimmy neutron game)

on its own its just an ok puzzle game, but its not on its own because nintendo wont let it be. its Luigi's Mansion fucking 3 now, soiling any and all creative vision that went into creating the first game. congratulations nintendo, you found a new fucking cow to milk. im sure it was worth it