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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 2, 2019

Platforms Played


technically havent finished it but the final boss of the immortal severance ending is so fucking hard im just gonna give my rating now

edit: finally cut off isshin's wrinkly old balls and its now my favorite boss fight, 5/5 withstands

edited edit: about 7 playthroughs in, this is seriously one of the best games ever made. i would even go as far as to say its the best game from software has ever and possibly maybe will ever make. its quickfire pace, its buttery controls, its insane boss fights, its gorgeous world, the IMPECCABLE combat, it all comes together to form a game that is not only unforgettable, but god damn legendary.

edit of the edited edit: playthrough counter well within the 20s. not sure when this will end. if i dont make it out, cancel my elden ring pre-order.

edit of the edited edit edit: isnt it kind of funny how its called "Shadows Die Twice" but typically in games this difficut you tend to die as the player many more times? always thought that was a pretty silly observation