I’ve noticed that I played all the GoW games in 2011 but platted them all in 2012 I don’t know why I took a break 🤔

Kratos is one badass dude. Love this franchise.

Might be the best superhero game that will ever be.

Not awful but little would we know only six years later we would get an amazing Spider-Man game. HOPEFULLY they don’t make a sequel 🫠

The fact that this was a sequel to WaW blew my mind.

Jacob low key got me this platinum… I don’t know why 😂

One of the hardest veteran modes out there.

Jacob was so cruel during the final moments of this platinum. I was grinding a kill trophy that was taking FOREVER and Jacob pulled up a YouTube sound of the trophy and played. I got so excited just to hear Jacob behind me laughing his ass off. It took me about another 30mins and I made Jacob finish it 😂

The first lego game to get rid of the mumbles and at actual dialogue, the beginning of the end in some retrospective.

Thank god this Lego game wasn’t glitched.

Played this one weekend with Mitchell and left Jacob in the dust, sorry Jacob at least you got the plat!

I love this game so much. Jacob, Matt, Mitchell, and I had so much fun with this game. So many quotes and memories. Sly Cooper was my main and I DESTROYED as him.

Mitchell bought this randomly at a Gamestop and we went to my house. I asked him if I could play it a little bit and after two hours or so Mitchell said "Yeah this doesn't look like a game I'd enjoy, you can keep it". Ladies and gentlemen, the rest was history.

50th platinum!!! Story was decent too 😂