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Spider-Man 2 is a fun return but at the end of the day I felt unfulfilled. I feel like I'll be in the minority here.

The positives first. The game obviously looks and feels great, swinging and now gliding around all of New York is so addicting. The fast traveling was insane! Playing as Venom might be the coolest thing to experience in any superhero game. Uh- is that it for positives? Kinda...

I don't hate this game, and the hype didn't get to me. The game just felt like the two pervious, especially if you played the first remastered. Now people won't mind that and I understand but it's hard not to compare this game to other big titles like the Arkham games or GoW Ragnarok.

I think the biggest issue is something that stems from just Spiderman himself, taking place in actual NYC. It's cool swinging around an extremely accurate city but do you know what is so much cooler? A fictionalized world to explore that we can't experience in real life.

The story is trying too hard. It takes a little bit to get into it which is fine, all stories take a while but Kraven killing off icons left and right didn't feel earned just watching it off a monitor. It would've had more of an impact if Spiderman tried to save them but failed and watched them die THAT would've been so much more powerful. Kraven's death felt earned and is probably the best part of the game. Where the game tries too hard is attempting to make you reallyyyyy care for Harry. Like I get it, but it's nowhere near the same weight as Aunt May and Doctor Octavius. If Harry was established in the first game then maybe! Then the game just ends, felt a little lackluster.

The combat is fine, nothing to get addictive too like in GoW, Returnal, or the Arkham games. I felt like the upgrades really didn't do much just gave me more of them.

I still had fun, I just wanted that next gen experience, they played it safe and that is okay I just hope they knock the next one out of the park.

Finally got around to the DLC portion. You can tell that this was only made for the PS5, especially the final boss battle. Liked some of the new skills you unlocked and the new machines were cool to battle.

Never got around to the original! Had a lot of fun with this remake!

What a wonderful remaster, what I would give to play this again I miss it so much.

Damn, what a let down after playing RE2. The game is extremely short, makes the knife literally pointless, introduces one of the worst dodges ever, turns the horror into action horror which was fine but never reached the level of fear like the police station in RE2. Nemesis is amazing though, he was such a threatening villain, it was really the only saving grace of the game.


The best for sure, at the end of the day if you didn't grow up with these games you won't ADORE them but you will still have a fun time! Thank god they allowed more checkpoints in this one. I found myself using the different gun mods a lot it was really fun switching in-between them. I still never really used the dark eco side but LOVED the light eco mainly since I could heal myself. Hated the driving though, the drift is awful and the relentless enemies drove me insane. Back tracking issues as usual but regardless I really had fun with this one! Sadly not as horny as the second though.

I feel bad giving this game a low rating but I'd be cheating myself if I said I had a fun time... To an extent I did. The highlights were the backdrops just looking at all the fun raunchy art the artist would come up with. But the humor is not funny... And some times the dialogue is miserable. For a game the dialogue is the driving force for their game is where it lacks.

This is a fine game... It's my first Zelda game ever that I completed and while I enjoyed the open world it felt repetitive and simple at times.

My first true covid game. Beat it in two sittings. Completely awful, I kept telling myself if this is anything like the new Lego Star Wars game we are in trouble, and I was right 🥲

This came out of nowhere and I was so excited to enjoy the nostalgia trip. I did, for the most part! The game feels a little cheap and lazy at points and it is extremely short which hinders on the original game not really these developers. The true crime are with my fellow trophy hunters. I will never again play the OG Pac-Man... Never. Again.

Holy shit this game slapped. Loved it so much I can't wait for the next one! I waited to play it for the PS5 upgrade totally worth the wait.

I love and adore this game so much. The passion and beauty it brings I feel like has been lost a little bit. Also they had a Muppets dlc… WHAT

Loved this game growing up so getting an updated revision ruled. What didn't rule was a golden spatula glitched out halfway through the game and I had to restart cause I'm a trophy bitch

One of my favorite memories will be my moving away party and all my friends played this game that night in one sitting. There was about 10 of us so we all picked a character and would switch about. It was so much fun screaming and laughing all the way until 4am or whenever.

I returned to the game during covid to get the platinum and I still had a lot of fun with it!